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Konch jalaun Uttar Pradesh India, dated 27/03/2025 time 0400 PM. Temprature- - 40 degree, Humidity-- 8%, Barometric Pressure-- 1007 mbr, Wind Speed-22 km/h, Wind Direction- North West, Wind Chill -23 degree, , Dew Point- 0 degree, Ozone -94, UV Index- Modrate, Cloud Cover- 0%, Rain Possibility- 0%, Precipitation-- 0.0 mm. Up Sky image is here to watch weather now. 

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Konch jalaun Uttar Pradesh India dated 27/03/2025 time 0705 AM. Temprature-- 28 degree, Humidity-- 16%, Barometric Pressure- 1006 mbr, , Ozone- 102, Wind Chill- 26 degree, Dew Point - -1 degree, Wind Speed- 10 km/h, Wind Direction- West, UV Index - Low, Cloud Cover- 0%, Rain Possibility- , 0%, Precipitation-- 0.0 mm. East Sky image is here to watch weather now. 

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कोंच जालौन उत्तर प्रदेश भारत दिनांक 26/03/2025 समय - 0350 पूर्वाह्न। तापमान-- 25 डिग्री, तापमान-- 16%, बादल छाए रहेंगे- 0%, हवा का ठंडा पानी- 24 डिग्री, हवा की दिशा- दक्षिण पश्चिम, बैरोमीटर का अनुमान-- 1007 Mbr ho, तापमान माप-- कम, हवा की गति- 4 किमी/घंटा, ओस बिंदु- -2 डिग्री, ओजोन- 100, वर्षा-- 0.0 मिमी, वर्षा की संभावना- 0%, ऊपर 25/03/2025 शाम लगभग 0300 बजे। अब सीज़न देखने के लिए यहाँ है। 

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Konch Jalaun Uttar Pradesh India Dated 25/03/2025 Time 0500 PM. Temprature-- 38 degree, Humidity-- 7%, Barometric Pressure-- 1011 Mbr, Wind Speed - 8 km/h, Wind Direction- North West, U V Index- Modrate, Ozone- 102 , Wind Chill- 34 degree, Dew Point - --4 , Cloud Cover- 0%, up sky image is here to watch weather now. 

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Konch Jalaun Uttar Pradesh India Dated 25/03/2025 Time 0300 PM. Temprature-- 37 degree, Humidity-- 7%, cloud Cover- 0%, Wind Speed 9 Km/h, Wind Direction- West, Barometric Pressure-- 1011 Mbr, U v Index- Modrate, Wind Chill- 34 degree, Dew Point-  -4 degree, Ozone- 102 Up sky image is here to watch weather now. 

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Konch jalaun Uttar Pradesh India dated 25/03/2025 time 1245 PM. Temprature-- 36 degree, Humidity-- 7%, Cloud Cover- 0%, Wind Speed- 8 Km/h, Wind Direction- South West, Barometric Pressure-- 1011, U V Index-  very high, wind Chill- 33 degree, Dew Pount- -  -5 degree, Ozone- 101 Up sky image is here to watch weather. 

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कोंच, जालौन, उत्तर प्रदेश, भारत dated  23/03/2025 time 0520 PM तापमान-- 34 डिग्री, आर्द्रता-- 7%, बैरोमीटर का दबाव-- 1015 एमबीआर, पवन शीतलता- 32 डिग्री, ओस बिंदु- -6 डिग्री, ओजोन- 91 वायु गति - 8 किमी/घंटा, वायु दिशा- उत्तर, ऊपर आकाश की छवि अब मौसम देखने के लिए यहां है। 

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Konch Jalaun Uttar Pradesh India dated 23/03/2025 Time 0350 PM Temprature-- 35 degree, Humidity- -7%, Cloud Cover- 0%, Wind Speed- 8 Km/h, Wind Direction - North, U V Index- Modrate, Wind Chill- 32 degree, Dew Point- - -5 degree, Barometric Pressure- 1014 Mbr, Ozone -92 Up Sky image is here to watch weather. 

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Konch Jalaun Uttar Pradesh India dated 22/03/2025 Time 0710 AM.  Temprature-- 21 degree, Humidity-- 17 %, Barometric Pressure-- 1014 mbr, Cloud Cover- 65%, Wind Chill- 20 degree, Dew Point- --4 degree, Ozone- 110 Wind Speed- 6 Km/h, Wind Direction - North,  Visibility-- 16 Km. Rain Possibility- 0%, Precipitation--  0.0 mm East Sky image is here to watch weather now. 

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Konch, Jalaun Uttar Pradesh India dated 21/03/2025 time 0330 PM. Temprature --35 degree, Humidity-- 9%, Cloud Cover- 2%, Wind Speed- 9 Km/h, Wind Direction- North West, Wind Chill- 33 degree, Dew Point- --2, degree, Barometric Pressure-- 1014 mbr, UV Index- Low, Visibility-- 16 km, Ozone- 98, Rain Possibility- 0%, Precipitation-- 0.0 mm. Up Sky image is here to watch weather now. 

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कोंच, जालौन, उत्तर प्रदेश, भारत दिनांक, 19/03/2025 समय 0720 पूर्वाह्न। तापमान- -,, 22, आर्द्रता - 22, बैरोमीटर का दबाव- 1014 mbr ozone-,104

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Cómo parte de las acciones para promover la Campaña de Árboles GLOBE 2025 - 3er año de la campaña, hace unos días organizamos una sesión virtual con las escuelas de Perú para informar al respecto. Claudia Caro nuestra Master trainer GLOBE compartió información sobre la campaña y animó a todos a unirse a la campaña. Esperamos que muchos más docentes y estudiantes de Perú participen este año. 

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Konch, jalaun Uttar Pradesh India Temprature-- 30 degree, Humidity-- 22%, Barometric Pressure-- 1010 Mbr, Ozone- 90, Wind Chill- 28, Dew Point- 6 degree, UV Index- Low, , Cloud Cover- 5%, West Sky image is here to watch weather. 

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Konch, Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, India dated 13/03/2025 time 0430 PM. Temprature-- 38 degree, Humidity- 10%, Cloud Cover- 65%, Barometric Pressure- 1009 Mbr, Wind Speed- 21 Km/h, Wind Direction- North West, UV Index - Low, Visibility-- 16 Km. Wind Chill- 35 degree, Dew Point- 1 degree, Ozone- 100 , Rain Possibility 0%, Precipitation-- 0.0  mm  West Sky image is here to watch weather now. 

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Konch, jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, India dated 12/03/2025 time 0730 AM. Temprature--, 24 degree, Humidity-- 25%, Barometric Pressure--1009 Mbr, Ozone- 95, wind Chill-23 degree, Dew Point- 3 degree, Wind -, 8 km/h Wind Direction- South West East sky image is here to watch weather. 

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Konch, Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, India, Dated 08/03/2025 time 0235 PM. Temprature-- 33 degree, Humidity-- 9%, Barometric Pressure-- 1009 Mbr, UV Index- Modrate, Ozone- 91, Wind Child 30 degree, Dew Point-  -4 degree, Wind Speed- 8 Km/h, Wind Direction  - North West, Rain possibility- 0%, Precipitation- -0. 0 mm. Up Sky image is here to watch weather. 

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Konch, Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, India. Dated 07/03/2025 time 0800 AM. Temprature --17 degree, Humidity-- 15% Barometric Pressure- -1012 Mbr, Ozone- 101, UV Index- Low, Wind Chill- 15 degree, Dew Point- --8 degree, Wind Speed- 6 km/h, Wind Direction- North West, East Sky image is here to watch weather today. 

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Konch, Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, India 06/03/2025, Time 0410 PM. Temprature--32 degree, Humidity-- 5%, wind Chill- 30 degree, Dew Point- -11, Barometric Pressure-- 1013 Mbr., Ozone- 104, UV Index- Low, Wind Speed- 22 Km/h, Wind Direction- North West. Up sky image is here to watch weather now. 

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Konch, Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh India dated 06/03/02025 time, 0720 AM. Temprature-- 15 degree, Humidity-- 20%, Barometric Pressure-- 1014 Mbr, Wind Chill- 13 degree, Dew Point -- -7 Wind Speed- 10 Km/h, Wind Direction- West, Ozone- 98 East sky image is here to watch weather today. 

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Konch, Jalaun, Uttar Pradesh, India, dated 04/03/2025 Time 0455 PM  Ozone- 103, Temprature- 31 degree, Humidity- 11 degree, Barometric Pressure-- 1013 Mbr, UV Index- Low, Wind Speed -25 Km/h, Wind Direction- North West, Wind Chill- 29 degree, Dew Paint --2  degree Up Sky image is here to watch ozone change within 15 minutes it was 98 at 0450 PM. 

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