Ms Majida Khalifeh
High School Teacher Lebanon Lycce Safeer |
Majida Khalifeh is the general coordinator for Safir High School in Saida, Lebanon, on the Mediterranean coast 40 kilometers south of Beirut. She has been an active participant in the GLOBE Program for the past five years. The comprehensive GLOBE experience, based on organized protocols and engagement in experimental research that benefits the environment, is what compels her to continue to engage her students in GLOBE year after year. She likes how students work together to learn the protocols and to try new experiments. Her students "learn GLOBE with a motivated spirit" she writes, "with a real sense of teamwork and communication" throughout their exercises. Ms. Khalifeh's students are proud of their work with GLOBE and eager to share their GLOBE studies with others, even outside the context of school. Furthermore, her students recognize that the scope and impact of their GLOBE research projects extend beyond their local communities. It is the global reach of the GLOBE Program that motivates her students to follow up on their GLOBE research year after year. In the near future, Ms. Khalifeh will be focusing more on the Hydrology protocols, looking to create a safe environment for different organisms and microorganisms examining potable water as well. Water studies have been part of her students' focus already; they took a memorable trip to the Quasmiye River in South Lebanon to study the water there. The visit was particularly motivating for the students who applied all the hydrology protocols they knew to examine the state of the water in the river. Ms. Khalifeh likes how she can use GLOBE across disciplines and with classes of varying age groups. "GLOBE has indeed added value to my learning and teaching experience," she writes. "It has been one of the most beneficial and important programs I have worked on." |