Dr Pornpun Waitayangkoon
GLOBE Country Coordinator Thailand Thailand |
Dr. Pornpun Waitayangkoon, President of The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST) in the Asia and Pacific region, is leading the effort to develop and increase the quality of science, mathematics and technology education in Thailand. Since 1999, she has worked to apply GLOBE strategies in helping to fulfill the objectives of IPST, an agency working under the direction of the Ministry of Education, to enhance scientific inquiry and thinking through hands-on collaborative research between students, teachers, scientists and community members. Based in Bangkok, Dr. Waitayangkoon currently serves as GLOBE Country Coordinator of Thailand. Dr. Waitayangkoon remains committed to the use of GLOBE curriculum
and materials in Earth System Science in Thailand and has overseen the
adoption of the GLOBE Teacher's Guide for grades 4-6 and 7-9 in Earth
science elective courses adopted by more than 400 schools throughout
the country. Dr. Waitayangkoon strongly supports the GLOBE approach,
encouraging instruction, practice and data collection in a natural
setting, where students are encouraged to generate research questions
based on their own observations, knowledge and experience. "When
students are permitted to follow their own natural curiosity, and
learn to apply mathematics and technology in their investigations,
they truly are acquiring the skills needed to become the next
generation of global scientists," she writes. |