Community Profiles
Community Profiles

About GLOBE Community Profiles
The GLOBE Program is powered by the passion and purpose of the community it serves. GLOBE also highly values the daily dedication and ongoing support of its members, ensuring that the quality of the educational, environmental, and scientific contributions remain at a high standard.
To highlight this invaluable dedication, GLOBE has created a "community profile spotlight" system to accentuate your work in the GLOBE Program. The goal of this system is to share the stories of how working with GLOBE has impacted you—in your learning endeavors, classroom activities, scientific research, environmental observations, STEM career, and your life overall. Additionally, this system is meant to convey the GLOBE Implementation Office's continued appreciation for your efforts to both GLOBE and the community at large!
Guidelines for Submitting a Community Profile Spotlight*
If you’d like to have your GLOBE story featured on the GLOBE website, follow the instructions below:- Select the most applicable role on one of the dropdown menus below.
- Copy and paste the "Email Title" info into the subject line of a new email and modify it where appropriate.
- Copy and paste the "Email Body Content" info in the dropdown menu into the body of the email.
- Answer and complete the email body content to the best of your ability.
- Attach at least one high-quality photo of yourself actively engaged in a GLOBE-related activity to the email.
- Important: Do not insert your photo(s) into the body of the email.
- Attach a completed GLOBE photo release to the email.
- Important: We must have a completed photo release from everyone shown, and who can be identified, in photographs.
- Submit to the GLOBE Communications Team.
*Please see the email body content below for each community type.
Email Title
Community Profile_Teacher_{YOUR LAST NAME}_{YOUR COUNTRY}
Email Body Content
- How did you become involved with the GLOBE Program?
- What has been your most interesting experience with GLOBE?
- How has working with GLOBE impacted your classroom/students–your experience as a teacher?
- What message would you like to share with other GLOBE teachers?
Email Title
Email Body Content
School, Organization, Professional Affiliation:
- How did you become involved with the GLOBE Program?
- What has been your most interesting experience with GLOBE?
- How has working with GLOBE impacted your professional career?
- What message would you like to share with other GLOBE STEM professionals/scientists?
Email Title
Community Profile_Alum_{YOUR LAST NAME}_{YOUR COUNTRY}
Email Body Content
School, Organization, Professional Affiliation:
- How did you become involved with the GLOBE Program?
- What has been your most interesting experience with GLOBE?
- How has working with GLOBE impacted your professional career?
- What message would you like to share with other GLOBE Alum?
Email Title
Email Body Content
School, Organization, Professional Affiliation:
- How did you become involved with the GLOBE Program?
- What is your role in implementing GLOBE in your country (or state)?
- What has been your most interesting experience with GLOBE?
- How has working with GLOBE impacted your professional life?
- What message would you like to share with GLOBE community members in your country (or state)?