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Evaluation Working Group

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The Evaluation Working Group serves as a link between the GLOBE Program and the GLOBE Community, particularly focusing on evaluation aspects. If there is a topic you think should be discussed by the Evaluation WG, please contact the WG representative for your region.

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Collaboration within The GLOBE Program to ensure that educational resources and processes are readily accessible to and reflect the needs of the global community.


The Evaluation Working Group is poised to interact with the GIO and other Working Groups to ensure that Earth Systems Science education processes and products are regularly updated and reflect the needs of the growing global community.


Working Group Members

* Indicates serving a second term
† Indicates embedded Evaluation Working Group member


Working Group Guiding Principles

The Evaluation Working Group supports the concept that lifelong learners of all ages, from kinder to elder, should be actively engaged in The GLOBE Program. The group, in cooperation with the sponsors, GIO, other working groups and other community members, endeavors to ensure GLOBE's training materials and educational resources are of the highest quality. The group also promotes worldwide connections and collaboration to support scientific literacy among the GLOBE community.


Annual Meeting Review

A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. Paragraphs are usually an expected part of formal writing, used to organize longer prose.


Additional Resources

Explore the various Education resources below:

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