Retrieve Data (ADAT)
Retrieve Data (ADAT)
Find and use data with GLOBE's Advanced Data Access Tool. Users can refine searches using various parameters and then choose specific sites that contain the relevant measurements. Specific search parameters include:
Once users have chosen the site they want to investigate, they can apply more filters to narrow the data search, or download the data as a comma-separated value (CSV) file for a detailed analysis with their software of choice. The Advanced Data Access Tool also includes the option to download a summary file that compiles the amount of available data for each site of interest. Users can use this feature to determine which sites may be more data-rich and worth further investigation.
Related Resources
To learn more about how to use the Advanced Data Access Tool, refer to the ADAT tutorial in the tutorial center.
To learn more about how to visualize and retrieve data on the GLOBE website, download this GLOBE data presentation .