News Brief
November 2017 GLOBE News Brief
The first annual International Biomes Project was held in the Outeniqwa Mountains in South Africa, from 29 September through 01 October 2017. The event was organized in collaboration with several GLOBE stakeholders, including The South African Weather Service, Cape Nature, Cape Union Mart, and the Western Cape Education Department. The intrepid group of 34 trekkers included students, scientists, partners, and sponsors.
The International Biomes Project, which is intended to be an annual project, was initiated by the Africa Regional Office (led by Mark Brettenny, Coordinating Office Director). During the trek, students were asked to answer questions about biomes - and reflect upon the importance of biomes in protecting environmental resources. The two scientists who participated in the project (along with three scientists who participated virtually) spoke of the importance of conserving biomes, how human livelihood depends on the health of the biomes, and how biomes across the world have changed as a result of human activities and global climate change.
To read more about this experiential trekking endeavor, click here.
GLOBE Website Gets Fresh New Look! Website Down from 02-05 November - Data Entry Apps and Data Access and Viz Tools Will Remain Available
The GLOBE Program's homepage and organization pages are getting a makeover this month. The fresh new design and updated features will be unveiled on 06 November.
The website will be closed for a few days while the tech team updates the site. Downtime will be as follows: Thursday, 02 November, starting at 4:00 p.m. PST (11 p.m. UTC) through Sunday, 05 November (specific time TBD). During this downtime, the GLOBE Observer and GLOBE Data Entry apps will remain available, as will the visualization and advanced data access tools. You will still be able to access the following:
- Visualization:
- GLOBE Data Entry App:
- GLOBE Observer App:
GISN Members: New Participation Requirement Begins in 2018
Starting in 2018, all GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) members will be required to do one GISN-related activity per year.
As a GISN member, you serve as an invaluable mentor and role model for students - and you can participate at a level that is appropriate to your skills, resources, availability, and interest. There are many ways to participate in the GISN, and you have the power to choose what level of involvement works best for you. For more information on the many different ways you can participate, please click here.
Keeping Up with the 2018 GLOBE IVSS?
Did you miss - or would you like to revisit - the 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) informational webinar held on 25 October? The recording is available, just click here! The slides are also available, just click here!
IVSS Timeline
- Informational Webinar: 25 October 2017
- Reports accepted for submission: 01 January 2018 to 01 March 2018
- Reports and presentations due: 01 March 2018
- Judging webinar: (TBD)
- Judging period: 18-24 March 2018
- Feedback and virtual badges released: 06 April 2018
- Live drawing for stipends: 06 April 2018
Have a question for a scientist or another STEM professional? Visit the new Student Groups Looking for Mentors page and fill out the form. Help will be on its way!
Need a mentoring scientist? Scientists have volunteered to help - click here.
Want to share information about the 2018 IVSS? Click here and share downloadable images.
New information about the 2018 IVSS is being added to the GLOBE website on a regular basis, so be sure to keep checking back.
GIO Issues Invitation to Submit a Global 2018-2019 GLOBE Field Campaign: Submissions Must be Received by 28 February 2018
From now through 28 February 2018, the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) will be accepting proposals for Global Field Campaigns (starting between August 2018 and December 2019). GIO hopes to announce the new Global Field Campaigns at the GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) in Ireland in July 2018.
GLOBE's Global Field Campaigns provide students with hands-on opportunities to explore and learn about Earth through a network of students, teachers, and scientists - projects designed to promote collaboration and to increase Earth science awareness.
To submit a proposal, please click here and fill out the Global Field Campaign Proposal Form. (As necessary, please refer to the GLOBE Events-to-Campaigns planning document and checklist, available here.)
If you have any questions or need additional information, please send an email to
GLOBE Community: Nominations for GLOBE Working Groups Due 17 November!
Become a member of a GLOBE Working Group! The GIO is seeking nominations for the four Working Groups: Education, Evaluation, Science, and Technology. Nominations are due by 17 November 2017. Get involved in shaping the future of The GLOBE Program!
The purpose of the Working Groups is to enhance the role of U.S. and country partners and GLOBE STEM professionals and educators in shaping the future of The GLOBE Program and supporting the development and implementation of GLOBE worldwide. To learn more about the Working Groups, the positions available, and how to apply, click here.
Active U.S. GLOBE Partnerships/Partners: Nominations for U.S. Partner Forum Due 17 November
Active U.S. GLOBE Partnerships/Partners: Please consider putting your knowledge, skills, and talents to excellent use and apply to become a member of the U.S. Partner Forum. Nominations are due 17 November. (NOTE: Current members may apply or be nominated to serve for a second term.)
Each of the six U.S. regions (Midwest, Southeast, Southwest, Pacific, At-Large, NASA GLOBE Partnership Representative) has one representative on the Partner Forum. The representatives work closely to guide the future of GLOBE in the United States. The Forum reflects the types of organizations that comprise GLOBE and the diversity the community serves. To learn more about the U.S. Partner Forum, the positions available, and how to apply, click here.
Irish EPA and An Taisce Launch GLOBE Citizen Science Initiative in Ireland
Laura Burke, Director General of Ireland's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recently announced that the EPA and An Taisce (an independent charity that works to preserve and protect Ireland's natural and built heritage) will work together to launch a new GLOBE citizen science initiative. The initiative is designed to monitor air quality and contribute to ongoing research with scientists in measuring levels of air pollution in Ireland.
In a keynote address at the 13th Annual Environment Ireland Conference, Burke stated that the EPA is working to advance the agency's scope of work. She said that the GLOBE initiative illustrates how citizens can be engaged with environmental issues, help address the impacts of climate change, and contribute to the betterment of society.
"The initial focus of The GLOBE Program in Ireland will be on air and will involve a pilot program in a number of primary, secondary, urban and rural schools in Ireland, and then will be rolled out to other schools throughout the country," Burke said in an article published by the EPA on 28 September. (To read the article, click here.) The EPA will oversee the research with An Taisce.
At the conference, the Director Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce, Michael-John O'Mahony, said. "The Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce is delighted to bring the hugely successful GLOBE Program to Ireland in partnership with the EPA. GLOBE will give teachers and students across Ireland the skills, training, and support to engage in meaningful scientific investigations about their local environment and to put this in a global perspective."
Have You Used the Advanced Teacher's Guide Search Tool? Searching Made Easy!
Did you know that the GLOBE Teacher's Guide Search Tool allows you to search the entire Teacher's Guide using several different search parameters? Well, it does!
When you use the tool, you use search parameters including: language (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish), grade level (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12), time requirement (any time requirement, continuing student activities, one-time, and repeated class activities), standard requirement (any standard, NGSS), documents for investigation, and/or protocol-specific documents.
If you have questions about this effort, send us an email at
Opportunities for Teachers
U.S. opportunities are often highlighted in the News Brief simply because we are more aware of them through our local media; however, if there are opportunities for GLOBE students and/or teachers in your region you would like us to highlight in the coming months, please send the info to: Thank you!
NASA STEM Educator Webinars
The NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative (EPDC) is presenting a series of webinars open to all educators. All pre-service, K-12, and informal educators, as well as university faculty, are invited to join NASA education specialists to learn about NASA missions, activities, lesson plans, educator guides, and online resources that integrate NASA and STEM into the classroom.
Two November webinars use GLOBE resources and insight:
- 15 November: "Earth Sense: The Scoop on Soil" (Grades 4-10)
During this webinar, participants will get to explore The GLOBE Program and gain insight into how to bring an outdoor experience to students. The webinar will focus on hands-on inquiry-based experiences. Participants will learn how NASA's SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) Mission collects data about soil moisture. They will also explore Elementary GLOBE resources including teacher guides, protocols, activities, storybooks, and related STEM activities. This webinar will be held on Wednesday, 15 November, at 5:00 p.m. ET. For more information, and to register, click here.
- 29 November: "Earth Sense - Remote Sensing at NASA: GLOBE Atmosphere" (Grades K-12)
During this webinar, participants will learn about clouds and contrails using The GLOBE Program. Participants will learn how NASA's fleet of satellites, its airborne missions, and its researchers address some of the critical challenges facing our planet today. This webinar will be held on Wednesday, 29 November, at 6:30 p.m. ET. For more information, and to register, click here.
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Awards and Recognitions -- Entries Must be Submitted by 15 December!
The annual NSTA Awards and Recognition Program, which recognizes exceptional and innovative science educators, began in 1973. The NSTA Awards and Recognition Program was created to raise awareness and to expose the outstanding work being done in the science education field. All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on 15 December 2017 (via online submission). There are no entry fees. For more information on the variety of awards, and how to submit entries, click here.
Opportunities for Students
NOAA Announces Scholarship Opportunities for U.S. Undergraduates: 31 January Deadline!
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has announced the availability of scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in disciplines related to oceanic and atmospheric science, research, or technology, and supportive of the purposes of NOAA's programs and mission.
Over 100 students are selected each year for participation in Ernest F. Hollings (Hollings) and Educational Partnership Program (EPP) scholarship programs. These scholarships include support for two years of undergraduate study and summer internship opportunities at NOAA facilities across the country. For information on program benefits and how to apply, visit the following websites:
- Educational Partnership Program Undergraduate Scholarship; Application Deadline: January 31, 2018
- Ernest F. Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship; Application Deadline: January 31, 2018
For additional information, contact the Office of Education Scholarship Programs at:
Upcoming 2017 GLOBE Teacher Training Workshops
No training workshops in your area? Check out GLOBE's protocol eTraining! (In order to enter GLOBE data, GLOBE users must complete the necessary training either by attending a GLOBE workshop or by completing the required online eTraining modules. Once your training is complete, you will be ready to start entering your measurements - and will be joining a community of thousands of teachers around the world!)