August 2015 News Brief top

August 2015 GLOBE News Brief

19th Annual Partner Meeting in Los Angeles
Unites GLOBE's Global Community

Image of the Week

19th Annual Partner Meeting in LA

The 19th GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting and 3rd Student Research Exhibition, held in Los Angeles from 19-24 July, drew 225 participants from 32 countries. Read more about this fabulous event.

August 2015 News Brief right


GLOBE International Scientists Network (GISN) Corner

Flat world map with connections shown

GISN Member Spotlight - The GIO would like to highlight GISN member Scott Steinschneider from Cornell University. Scott is part of UCAR's Visiting Scientist Programs (VSP) through the Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship. He examines the intersection between anthropogenic, climatic, and hydrologic systems with an emphasis on water resources risk management under climate variability and change. The GISN now has more than 220 GISN members!

GISN Resources

GISN webinars are now online - New to K-12 outreach or looking for new ways to connect with students? Would you like to hear stories from GLOBE scientists about how they conduct scientific investigations? Check out our GLOBE GISN webinars and additional GISN resources.

GISN Web Tutorials - Need a refresher in how to retrieve and visualize your GLOBE data on Check out GLOBE's Web Tutorials - Using the GLOBE Website. These Web Tutorials will guide you on how to set up your data site, enter measurement data, and retrieve and visualize your data.

Screen grap of the site

Want to learn more about the GISN and how you can connect with a GISN scientist? Send an email to Kristin Wegner (

Taking Learning to New Heights: The 2015 Mt. Kilimanjaro Xpedition 

On 23 September 2015, an international team of GLOBE scientists, teachers, and students will begin their trek to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to evaluate the evolving ecosystem of the largest freestanding mountain in the world.

Photo of Mt. Kilimanjaro in the background with an elephant in the foreground.

GIO Director Dr. Tony Murphy will be taking part in this adventurous trek along with many GLOBE teachers, students, and scientists.

We invite you to follow along via GLOBE Facebook and webinars, and interact with Xpedition members on the mountain. Keep an eye on the GLOBE homepage for links and updates, coming soon. 

GLOBE Spotlight: Alumnus Abdelaziz Lawani Joins Borlaug LEAP Fellowship

Photo of Abdelaziz Lawani

GLOBE Alumnus Abdelaziz Lawani joined the Borlaug LEAP Fellowship as a 2015 Spring Fellow. Currently, Lawani is pursuing his PhD in Agricultural Economics at the University of Kentucky, which he expects to receive in 2017. He credits his early interest in agricultural topics to his high school experience with The GLOBE Program. Even as a teenager, Lawani says that people were drawn to his ability to work well with others while searching for creative solutions to problems. He hopes to use both what he has learned in the past, and what he will learn as a Borlaug LEAP Fellow, to mentor young people looking to work in the agricultural sector.

NOAA B-WET Funding Awards to GLOBE Partners

B-WET NOAA banner

GLOBE is pleased to announce that two of NOAA's B-WET (Bay-Watershed Education and Training) regions are supporting awards to GLOBE Partners:

  • The Chesapeake Bay Region is funding two awards - one to Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA) and one to Howard County Conservancy (Woodstock, Maryland, USA).
  • The Gulf of Mexico Region is supporting awards to the following PIs/Institutions:
    • Teresa Greely, University of South Florida (Tampa, Florida, USA)
    • Gary Kratzer, McNeese State University (Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA)
    • Sarah Falkowski, Friends of Rookery Bay (Naples, Florida, USA)
    • Alfredo Lorenzo/Katherine Millsa, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical (A&M) University (Tallahassee, Florida, USA)

Peace Corps Expands Support of Let Girls Learn Initiative

Photo for Let Girls Learn

The Peace Corps and MORE Magazine announced a new collaboration to support the U.S. government's "Let Girls Learn Initiative" to expand access to education for girls around the world.

Peace Corps' Let Girls Learn program is working to address barriers to girls' education by empowering local leaders in communities around the globe to put in place lasting solutions. Peace Corps Volunteers, who live and work at the grassroots level, serve as catalysts of community-led change, but they need the support of Americans from all walks of life to get involved and make a difference.

Through this new collaboration with MORE Magazine, the proceeds from the social commerce campaign that are directed to the Peace Corps' Let Girls Learn Fund, will support Peace Corps Volunteer projects and community training around the globe.

Upcoming 2015 GLOBE Teacher Training Workshops 

GLOBE map with some locations noted.

Upcoming GLOBE teacher training workshops include:

  • Rapid City, South Dakota, USA: 10-11 August (open to all teachers; targeted grade level: Primary K-2, Primary 3-4)
  • Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA (Gettysburg College): 10 August (open to college professors)
  • Grand Forks, North Dakota, USA (University of North Dakota): 13-14 August (open to teachers in the region; however preference will be given to UND students; targeted grave level: Primary K-2, Primary 3-4, Intermediate, Secondary)
  • Fredonia, New York, USA (SUNY Fredonia): 24 August - 28 September (potential restricted attendance; targeted grade level: Primary K-2, Primary 3-4, Intermediate)
  • Maumee, Ohio, USA (Xcite Learning): 17-18 September (open to all teachers)
  • Reading Pennsylvania, USA (Environmental Exploration Center at Angelica Park): 10 October (open to all teachers; targeted grade level Primary K-2, Primary 3-4, Intermediate, Secondary)


Congratulations to the 15 GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of July and August:

Tunisia - 20 years
27 July 1995 

Sweden - 20 years
23 August 1995

The Gambia - 19 years
12 July 1996

Trinidad & Tobago - 19 years
16 July 1996

Peru - 18 years
10 July 1997

Macedonia - 17 years
24 August 1998

Bahamas - 15 years
12 July 2000

Cape Verde - 15 years
09 August 2000

India - 15 years
25 August 2000

Nigeria - 13 years
15 July 2002

Gabon - 12 years
11 August 2003

Rwanda - 12 years
21 August 2003

Mauritania - 11 years
06 July 2004

Niger - 10 years
11 August 2005

Ethiopia - 10 years
24 August 2005

Bermuda - 1 year
03 July 2014