GLOBE Hosts Information Webinar on 2016 Distinguished Educator Fellowship: 12 November
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) is hosting an informational webinar about the 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship at 20:00 UTC on 12 November 2015. Presenters will be Mr. John Moore, the 2015 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellow, and Dr. Julie Malmberg, GIO Education and Outreach.
The GLOBE Program and GIO are excited to announce the second GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship. This fellowship harnesses the GLOBE community expertise in the development of new educational resources that can benefit the whole community.
For this year, teachers, either formal or informal, will work with scientists in the development of GLOBE educational materials. The scientist will support the educator in ensuring scientific accuracy. As part of the application process, we invite teachers to team with scientists on a particular project. There will be three fellowships awarded this year: one for the United States and two for GLOBE countries other than the U.S.
To view the archived recording of the webinar, visit: For more information about the 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship, visit:
type: globe-eventsEvents origin: GLOBE Implementation Office