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A phone showing the GLOBE Observer app is on a table surrounded by a hammer, a wrench, a screwdriver, and level and a tape measure. The words "GLOBE Observer Connect" are on the right.

GLOBE Observer Connect November 2024: GLOBE Observer App Development

Date: 11/21/2024 - 11/21/2024
Time: 12:00 pm EST - 12:30 pm EST
Location: virtual

In our November 2024 GO Connect, we had a conversation with Joe Wieclawek, one of the developers behind the GLOBE Observer app. Keeping the GLOBE Observer app running and growing is no small task! You may have noticed a large update for the app recently. Though you probably didn’t see a lot of change, these updates were significant, rebuilding the app to be able to operate smoothly in both Android and iOS operating systems well into the future. Joe shared some of the highlights of working on GLOBE Observer and answered questions from participants. You can see Joe's presentation slides or watch the recording below.


