2019 STEM For All Video Showcase Presents Two Videos Spotlighting Exemplary Work of the GLOBE Community! Watch and Vote Today!
The 2019 STEM For All Video Showcase, which runs from 13-20 May and is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), offers two video presentations spotlighting The GLOBE Program:
- “The 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition in Ireland” – Crafted by Jan Heiderer, the Communications Lead for the GLOBE Implementation Office, this video showcases the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition, where more than 400 participants from 40 countries came together to learn, engage, share, and exchange cultural, scientific, and educational experiences and knowledge. “This extraordinary event will live on in the minds and hearts of participants for years to come,” Heiderer said. “The video provides a sense of the power of place, bringing science to life as students explore field sites in hauntingly beautiful Killarney National Park; participate in student research and cultural presentations; and listen to extraordinary student keynote speakers from around the world.” To experience this video, click here.
- “Brining GLOBE Student Researchers Together with Symposia” – Crafted by Jennifer Bourgeault, the United States GLOBE Country Coordinator (University of New Hampshire Leitzel Center) this video showcases regional Student Research Symposia that took place across the United States. “By participating in a GLOBE Student Research Symposium, students discuss their research with STEM professionals and experience the peer review process of science. In essence, they ‘become a scientist’ and from student evaluations, ‘feel like a scientist,’” Bourgeault said. “The STEM for All Video Showcase is an opportunity to share the growth of the Student Research Symposia over the past three years, and its impact in the voices of the students themselves.” To experience this video, click here.
Now in its fifth year, the annual showcase will feature over 240 innovative projects aimed at improving STEM learning and teaching, which have been funded by the NSF and other federal agencies. During the week-long event, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and members of the public are invited to view the short videos, discuss them with the presenters online, and vote for their favorites.
The theme for this year’s event is “Innovations in STEM Education.” Video presentations address improving K-12 STEM classroom, informal environments, undergraduate and graduate education, teacher professional development, and community engagement. Collectively, the presentations cover a broad range of topics, including science, mathematics, computer science, engineering, cyberlearning, citizen science, maker spaces, broadening participation, research experiences, mentoring, professional development, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), and the Common Core.
The STEM for All Video Showcase is created and hosted by TERC, which is a non-profit, research and development organization, located in Cambridge Massachusetts, USA.
To experience the 2019 STEM For All Video Showcase, click here. Be sure to vote for your favorite GLOBE video!
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office