Feb-2015 Letter-to-the-Community
Letter to the Community
February 2015
Dear Friends,
We are about to embark on a very important year as we approach the 20th Anniversary of GLOBE! As a community, we have a lot to be proud of and a lot of work still to do. Celebrations for this special anniversary begin in earnest on 22 April, Earth Day 2015. Here are some of the important events so far:
- A GLOBE data entry app that will allow users to perform data-entry on a large number of GLOBE science protocols directly from their phone or tablet. You've been asking for it, and Raytheon Web Solutions (RWS), the Technology Working Group, and the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) have been working to make it happen! Users will be able to collect their GLOBE measurements while in the field and without an Internet connection. Once they return to their classrooms, teachers and students will be able to upload their data to the GLOBE website with a single click. Look for the application for both iPhone and Android devices in mid-April.
- Data entry recognition. During the week of Earth Day, the GIO will be giving special recognition to the schools that have been our best data contributors.
- A data entry challenge. During the week of Earth Day, we will be challenging the community to enter more data using the existing data entry forms and the new app mentioned above.
- A website refresh. GIO and RWS are constantly working to improve your user experience on our website. Scheduled to be launched on Earth Day is a new and improved The new look and feel of the site should make navigation and location of materials more efficient.
- A newly revised Teacher's Guide. More information coming soon.
- A global celebration of our 20th Anniversary throughout the year ahead. This is where you play a crucial role! If you are planning anything for GLOBE's 20th Anniversary year, please let us know so that we can share it with the GLOBE community worldwide. I'm already aware of many special events being planned internationally and we'll be showcasing them as they occur. I encourage you to to participate, in real time or virtually.
March | Oman | GLOBE Camp |
March | Sri Lanka | World Water Day |
April | USA | GLOBE at Earth Day Festivities in Washington, D.C., Union Station |
April | Netherlands | Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of GLOBE at the Royal Meteorological Institute |
May | Czech Republic | GLOBE Games |
July | USA | Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California |
August | Estonia | GLOBE Regional Learning Expedition |
September | Tanzania | Kilimanjaro Xpedition |
Send an email to to let us know what you are doing to celebrate Earth Day and GLOBE's 20th Anniversary.
If you want to include the GLOBE Anniversary banner on events throughout our 20th Anniversary year, you can download it from the GLOBE website. Just scroll down the GLOBE logos page, and you'll find the anniversary banner in various formats.
You have been hearing me talk about the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission for months, and now SMAP is in orbit. NASA successfully launched the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) observatory on 31 January. SMAP is now undertaking its three-year mission to measure the soil moisture content of the entire Earth, every three days. As part of the SMAP-GLOBE Program Collaboration, SMAP scientists will be using measurements collected by GLOBE students to help validate the satellite moisture measurements and to monitor their accuracy.

Thinking of getting involved? I highly recommend that you watch this amazing short video: Technical Origami, brought to you by the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab.
Would you like to receive communications regarding the GLOBE partnership with NASA satellite missions? If so, please complete this form and don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to participate.
In order to help you navigate the website more efficiently I thought I might present a monthly Quick Tip.
Website QUICK TIP: Emailing a user
Have you ever wanted to contact someone in the GLOBE community, but you don't have his or her email address? Here's how you can send your message if you have a GLOBE account:
Sign in.
1. Look up the person in the search box. A "send email" option will appear under their name.
2. Go to the person's profile page. If you are not already friends, request to "Add as Friend." Once you are friends, you'll be able to send them an email from their profile page
Now for announcements for specific groups within the GLOBE Community:
For a school to fully participate in the GLOBE Program, at least one teacher must be trained in the GLOBE science measurement protocols and education activities by attending a GLOBE Teacher Workshop. Click on the link below for more information about a GLOBE Workshop in your area - or contact your local GLOBE Partner. Upcoming GLOBE teacher training workshops include:
- Uruma, Okinawa, Japan (PEACE Schools Network): 19 February-31 March (potential restricted attendance);
- Royal Oak, Michigan, USA (Detroit Zoo-Ford Education Center): 3 March (open to all teachers);
- Wayne, Michigan, USA (Wayne RESA): 31 March (open to all teachers);
- Rapid City, Iowa - Train the Trainer, 20-24 April, Open to those wanting to train educators in GLOBE, 22-25 April; and
- Yaounde, Cameroon, Yaounde Higher School of Economics, 22-25 April, (by Invitation).
Upcoming GISN Webinars
GLOBE invites you to learn about the GLOBE International Scientist Network (GISN)! Register now for upcoming webinars, and access completed webinars, in the five-part series.
Can't make the live session? All webinars are recorded and posted on our website. Click here for more information.
Upcoming Regional Meetings
North American Regional Meeting (NARM)
9-11 March 2015 in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Register here :
The NARM Meeting coincides with the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference. Look for GIO staff at the NASA and NOAA booths there.
SciGirls Workshop (in tandem with the NARM)
12 March at the Gems Academy in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Register here :
Asia and Pacific Regional Meeting
National Central University, Department of Atmosphere Sciences, Taiwan 25-30 April 2015
In closing, I'm pleased to tell you that the registration site for the 19th Annual GLOBE Partner Meeting is now open! For the link to registration as well as information about the event itself, click here.
There is no better place to learn about developments in the GLOBE Program than at our Annual Partner Meeting. The meeting will be hosted by GLOBE Partner Henry Ortiz of the Los Angeles Unified School District, with help from the Organizing Committee. The theme of this year's meeting is "Strengths of a GLOBE-al Community of Scientists."
I welcome all of you, including students, to participate in this exciting event in the beautiful city of Los Angeles. I look forward to seeing you there!
And so as the countdown to Earth Day 2015 begins, I am challenging the community to get engaged with these events as they unfold, wherever they happen to be. We want to make the 20th anniversary a very special year and a powerful springboard for the next 20 years.
Dr. Tony Murphy
Director, GLOBE Implementation Office
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office