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GLOBE Teachers: Never Too Early to Consider Participating in the 2023 IVSS – Check Out These Resources!

The GLOBE IVSS Banner, highlighting a variety of students in action

GLOBE Teachers: It’s never too early to consider participating in next year’s 2023 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). The IVSS is a way for primary through undergraduate students from all GLOBE countries to showcase their research and hard work.

The 2022 IVSS was a huge success! The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) received 220 student project submissions from 97 schools in 25 countries in all six GLOBE regions. Projects were submitted in five languages: Arabic, Croatian, English, Spanish, and Portuguese. In all, 162 judges from 36 countries (from all six regions) helped score the projects and provide feedback.  

IVSS Resources

The following webinars, from previous IVSS events, offer a wealth of information on how to effectively conduct research:   

To learn more about the IVSS, click here.

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
