GLOBE Technology Continues Website Enhancements
The GLOBE website is constantly changing and improving. In the last few weeks, the Program has added many important additions and upgrades. To see the complete list of upgrades and enhancements, click here.
Upgrades, Protocols and Surface Temperature
Some extremely useful website improvements and fixes were added at the end of February. Of primary note:
--To comply with the CAN-SPAM laws and international SPAM best practices, the current GLOBE email list will be cleaned up via a process know as, "opt-in email confirmation." All email accounts in the GLOBE system will be sent an email (from GPO) asking you to confirm that you wish to remain on our email list. If GPO does not receive an email back from you, the email associated with your account will be removed from our email list. GPO is only allowed to contact the people on our email list once––so it is very important that you respond to the email when you receive it. More details will be posted on the GLOBE the website this coming week.
--Comments users make on Student Project Spotlights, News, Events, Profiles and Star stories are now referenced under the user's "Member Activities" list (on their My Page and organization pages) when you check "journal" under "GLOBE Info > Display Activities" in your user account. Interested users may also follow the links to read the articles or comments.
--An RSS feed for GLOBE News has been added to the GLOBE news page.
--The ability for users to comment on Student Project Spotlights, News, Events, Profiles and Star stories has been restored and enhanced.
--Workshop links under "Member's Activities" have been addressed and the description updated. The GLOBE Program Office (GPO) encourages you to visit this section of the website and let us know what you think about this feature upgrade. Leave a comment in the Community Feedback Forum.
--Based upon GLOBE community feedback, a new and improved workshop tool will be available with an easy to use interface and many enhanced capabilities for managing workshops metrics. The anticipated date for release is by the end of March 2013. Keep your eyes on the News items on the front page of the GLOBE website for previews and features being offered by this new tool.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office