Join the GLOBE Community: eTraining Availabe Now – Protocol Training Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE eTraining provides the opportunity for new and existing GLOBE users to complete science protocol training at anytime, anywhere. GLOBE eTraining consists of multiple downloadable training modules, interactive digital field and lab experiences, online assessments for each module, and access to support through online discussion forums. Thanks to eTraining, teachers can join the GLOBE community today!
In order to enter GLOBE data on this website or through the GLOBE data entry app, GLOBE users must complete the necessary training either by attending a GLOBE workshop or by completing the required online eTraining modules and assessment tests in this section. Once your training is complete, you will be ready to start entering your measurements and will be joining a community of thousands teachers around the world! For eTraining requirements, click here.
The eTraining Program offers a powerful portal where you can access the training materials you need to lead a classroom in data collection and lab procedures associated with a GLOBE protocol. There are now 49 eTraining modules available (including modules introducing The GLOBE Program and modules covering all four protocol areas) – awaiting the click of your finger! A summary document about GLOBE eTraining is available for download.
To learn more about GLOBE eTraining, click here.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office