Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito Citizen Science Day Mosquito Blitz: 07-13 April!
Saturday, 13 April, is Citizen Science Day! Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito Citizen Science Day Mosquito Blitz, which will start 07 April and run through Citizen Science Day.
During this week, simply make mosquito habitat observations (and encourage your friends and family to do so too) and then upload your observations using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper App.
Don't have the app? You can download it for FREE from the Google Play Store or from the Apple App Store (just search: "GLOBE Observer"). When you do so, you are joining the GLOBE community and contributing important scientific data to NASA and GLOBE, your local community, and students and scientists worldwide.
Watch for details on Facebook ( or Twitter (
The GLOBE Mission Mosquito Campaign
The goal of GLOBE Mission Mosquito is to create an organized citizen science community that will conduct and report local observations using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper App. Using the mobile app, citizen scientists of all ages (including K-12 students) will identify potential breeding sites for mosquitoes, sample and count mosquito larvae, and (with optional equipment), examine and photograph a specimen to identify its genus.
To learn more about the campaign, including how to participate, click here.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office