On 06 April GLOBE Mission Mosquito Joins GLOBE Observer Connect to Discuss “Mosquitoes on the Landscape”
On Thursday, 06 April, GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) will join GLOBE Observer Connect to for a conversation on “Mosquitoes on the Landscape.” GLOBE Observer (GO) Connect is a new series of short conversations about GLOBE data, science, and the latest updates.
Have you ever noticed how mosquitoes seem to swarm in certain areas and wondered why? Dr. Rusty Low, science lead for GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper, will host the event – to discuss how physical factors are responsible for why mosquitoes are unevenly distributed on the landscape. Join the conversation and share your experiences observing mosquitoes and ask questions.
To register, click here.
(NOTE: To accommodate most time zones, Dr. Low will be available for two sessions, one at 12:00 p.m. EDT/17:00 UTC and another at 08:00 p.m. EDT/01:00 UTC on 07 April.)
To learn more about GMM, click here.
Read New Science Blog
Dr. Low has published a new blog, “Two ‘Edgy’ Mosquito Stories.” What are these two stories? Click here to find out!
To learn more about GLOBE Observer Connect, click here.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office