Opportunities for Teachers and Students to attend the US Regional Science Symposia
Feb 02, 2017
Through a grant from the National Science Foundation, students from across the United States have an opportunity to come together at one of six regional science symposia (formerly regional science fairs) to share the results of field investigations using GLOBE Program protocols. The grade spans for project review are: grades 5-8 and grades 9-12.
Teachers, if you are interested in attending with a group of students, please indicate your interest and apply for funding through this Google Form by February 27th, 2017. Funding decisions will be made by March 27th, 2017.
If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list to learn about upcoming webinars, deadlines, and other Symposia information, please click here.
To learn more about the US Regional Science Symposia, click here.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office