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Phase III of the ENSO Campaign “Water in Our Environment” Has Begun!

ENSO Phase III graphic

We are proud to announce Phase III of the GLOBE ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) Student Research Campaign: “Water in Our Environment."

As this campaign has evolved over the past few years, an amazing number of teachers, students, and scientists have provided invaluable feedback. This has enabled us to respond by trying out some new things that we think we will allow everyone to join us in some way, shape, or form. Anyone, everyone, everywhere should get involved, because we all need water!

NASA studies water in a variety of ways, using satellites, airborne campaigns, and ground-based measurements to collect data. This data is used for many real world applications to answer vital questions that are essential to our survival on this amazing “water planet.”

This phase of the campaign uses a set of guiding investigative questions that enable students to meaningfully explore water in their local environment and collaborate to consider the influence of water on a global scale. Each question is aligned to a suite of suggested GLOBE measurement protocols that will help investigate different aspects of water. As each classroom is different, teachers can choose between many options when deciding which protocols to use with their students.

A major focus of this campaign will be collaboration. Collaboration allows you to see what other schools are doing across the globe. By collaborating, students can learn what’s happening in environments across the globe through the data collected by the same protocols. 

photo of a water droplet on a leaf

Changes to Note for Phase III

To enable everyone to be included worldwide, there are a few big changes for this phase of the campaign. There will be two types of webinars; “Monthly Science and Research Webinars” and “Short Observation and Data Analysis (SODA) Webinars.”

  • Monthly Science and Research Webinars – These webinars will be an hour long with the first 30 minutes focused on the science and research behind the question. The next 30 minutes will involve sharing resources that can be used in all educational settings to teach students about the guiding question. Participants will have time to try out online resources as well as be engaged in discussion to maximize collaboration efforts. The time for this webinar will change monthly to allow teachers in different time zones to attend in “real time.”
  • The SODA Webinars – These webinars will focus on the data collected during the SODA protocol measurement period. Several schools (teachers and students) will present their data collection and what the data has told them about “Water in Our Environment.” Each school presenting at a SODA webinar will then collaborate with another school or schools taking some of the same measurements, answering the same questions.  Schools can participate in more than one SODA event during the campaign. There is no limit on data collection.

Once again, we are partnering with the H2yOu Project. The H2YoU Project is all about water, water stories to be exact. With our ever-changing environment, water is at the forefront of these changes. Sharing your water stories with others across the planet will bring forth a stronger consciousness and appreciation of just how important water is and how it molds our planet's dynamic processes.

To learn more about Phase III of the ENSO Student Research Campaign, click here!

We hope that you will join us for this exciting campaign!

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
