Seen the First Video GIO Director’s Letter to the Community Yet?
The monthly Director’s Letter to the Community transitions from print to video! If you have enjoyed reading GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) Director Dr. Tony Murphy’s letters to the community, you may enjoy his video addresses even more. You will now be hearing from Dr. Murphy quarterly, with news of current happenings in the GIO and throughout the community.
In future videos, Dr. Murphy will answer questions submitted by GLOBE community members. He will select from among all questions sent to him, so if you have a question that you would like him to answer in the next quarterly video address, please send it to
If you would like to be mentioned in the video, please include your:
- name;
- city and country; and
- place in the community (teacher, student, scientist, etc.).
To view Tony’s first quarterly address to the community, click here. (Transcripts of the video will be available quarterly. To read the transcript of first address to the community, click here.)
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office