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What’s Your GLOBE Story? Learn the Difference Between GLOBE Star, STEM, and Community Profile Stories – and Share Your Story Today!

A photo of three sticky notes on a blackboard, reading "Share" and "Your" and "Story"

Calling all GLOBE community members! Is it time to share your GLOBE story? There are many ways to inspire, educate, collaborate, and share how The GLOBE Program has enhanced your educational and scientific journey.

These are three ways you can share your story today:

  • GLOBE Star StoriesGLOBE Stars are stories of extraordinary projects, events, experiences, challenges, meetings, and activities being conducted around the world in connection to GLOBE. These GLOBE Stars are the bright lights that spark our imagination and inspire us with news of GLOBE at work in the world. To learn more about GLOBE Star Stories, and how to share your story, click here.
  • GLOBE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) StoriesGLOBE is always gathering stories of students, teachers, and alumni who have been influenced by their GLOBE experiences to pursue further education in STEM. To learn more about GLOBE STEM Stories, click here.
  • GLOBE Community Profile Stories – As a way of highlighting YOUR invaluable dedication to the program, GLOBE would like to place a “spotlight” on you and your GLOBE adventures. Where GLOBE Star Stories are about extraordinary projects, events, and activities, Community Profile Stories are about your personal GLOBE experiences. The goal here is to share the stories of how working with GLOBE has impacted YOU – in your learning endeavors, classroom activities, scientific research, environmental observations, STEM career, and your overall journey of life. To learn more about Community Profile Stories, click here.

Share Your Story Today!

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
