Joining the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign? Experience New Solve It! For Kids Podcast “Why Measure the Height of Trees”
Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign
In conjunction with Earth Observation Day, 11 October (which is part of Earth Science Week; 09-15 October), Year 05 of the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign will begin! The focus for Year 5 will be: “Looking at Change Over Time and Organizing Student Research.”
The goal of the campaign is to help teachers guide students with their student research projects focusing on tree height, land cover, greenings (green-up/green-down), and carbon cycle by showcasing how to use new and archived GLOBE data, online data tools and maps, and bringing together GLOBE schools for project collaboration for the International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) 2023.
To learn more about the campaign, click here.
To learn more about, and access, GLOBE biosphere protocols (including green-up/green-down protocols), click here.
To learn more about the 2023 IVSS, click here.
Solve It! for Kids Podcast (the science podcast for curious and creative kids and their families!)
Solve It! for Kids allows everyone to peek into the world of real-life scientists, engineers, and experts as they solve problems in their every day jobs. Kids and families are then invited to take on a challenge and solve a problem themselves! Join Jennifer Swanson and Jedlie as they ask questions, solve problems, and offer challenges that take curiosity and creativity to a whole new level.
A recent podcast, “Why Measure the Height of Trees” is now available. Have you ever looked up at a tree and wondered just exactly how tall it really is? Join Brian Campbell, NASA Senior Earth Science Outreach Specialist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia, USA, as he shares about the NASA GLOBE Trees Challenge 2022: Trees in a Changing Climate. Tune in and learn how you can help measure trees for GLOBE and NASA.
To enjoy the podcast, click here.
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office