Aerosol Campaign starts Europe and Eurasia Region
Oct 12, 2012
GLOBE Netherlands together with scientists from KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) and Regional Help Desk Office Europe and Eurasia are inviting you to join a new Aerosol Campaign.
If you are:
GLOBE country coordinator
- join the pilot phase = testing campaign now (starts from 15th October 2012) and get ready for the March 2013 campaign. Learn about aerosols, translate materials (and movie) for schools, get the sunphotometers, find aerosol scientist in your country, communicate the topic to your schools.
- if you have a sunphotometer ready to use, join the first observation period from 15th to 31st October and record data
- we need your feedback to the pilot phase, help us to shape next stage of the campaign for your schools!
- find out more in Aerosol Campaign Announcement or contact us on europe(at)
GLOBE teacher or student
- you will have chance to join the campaign from March 2013 onwards. Ask your country coordinator if they are preparing aerosol campaign for you. You can also watch the movie!
Aerosol Campaign Introductory Movie with Elise Hendriks from Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute.
News origin: Europe and Eurasia