Germany and Ghana Cooperation
Weather Station
Anna Heyne-Mudrich, Head of GLOBE Germany (Deutschland), visited Ghana in November (11 - 27), bringing with her a new weather station for the Westphalian Senior High School Oyoko.
The new weather station was sponsored by the Gymnasium Schloß Neuhaus in Paderborn/Germany to the Westphalian Senior High-School Oyoko in Ghana. Together, with three colleagues from Oyoko, the weather station was built on the rooftop of the new school laboratories.
Various teacher trainings, all focused on GLOBE, were organized during the time of her visit by Ylliass Lawani, Coordinator for West Africa from Benin, Emmanuel Adjei-Boadi, GLOBE alumni from Ghana, and Anna Heyne-Mudrich from Germany.
The inaugural ceremony for the new weather station was officially attended by Mrs. Christel Zumdiek, President of the International Association of Westphalian, Mr. Sampson Owusu-Boampong, Director of the Westphalian Childrens`Village Oyoko and Manager of the Westphalian Senior Highschool Oyoko, teachers of the school namely George Boaitey-Asante, Emmanuel Mensah and Kellicks Frimpong.
Zumdieck, Anna Heyne-Mudrich, and officials
from the Ashanti district in Ghana
The first data were taken during the training by participants. and were reported to the GLOBE database. The hope is that the High-School will soon be part of the Ghana weather net.
“The African - European group plans to start the cooperation during early spring 2017 and wants to bring together the students from different parts of Africa and from Europe,” explained Anna Heyne-Mudrich.
For the coming months the group agreed on various objectives such as:
- December/January 2017, the students in Oyoko will be trained on The GLOBE Program; a meeting, by Skype, is planned with the students;
- February 2017, there will be a measurement campaign for atmospheric measurements (working with the German students); and
- March 2017, the data from Germany and Ghana will be combined, and a plan for a common project will be created.
Heyne-Mudrich together with students at the schools`main door
Anna Heyne-Mudrich, George Boiatey-Asante, Christel Zumdieck,
Sampson Owusu - Boampong, Ylliass Lawani
Lawani, Anna Heyne-Mudrich, George Boiatey-Asante
Autor of photos: Anna Heyne-Mudrich
type: globe-newsNews origin: Europe and Eurasia