GLOBE and the Natural Inquirer Crosswalk Project
Educators and pre-service teachers can earn a $150 stipend for contributing to the GLOBE and Natural Inquirer Crosswalk Project. The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office is working in partnership with the USDA Forest Service to show connections between Natural Inquirer readers for students and GLOBE protocols, learning activities, and storybooks. Connections can be shown through a blog post or other format that you would use in your classroom or educational setting. These are explained in more detail below.
Natural Inquirer Readers
Each Natural Inquirer issue has a Wakelet collection page (links below) that includes a description of the issue, links to the issue, and possible GLOBE connections. Your assignment is to create a product that clearly demonstrates how these materials can be used with students in a classroom activity.
The Project Details
A blog post should:
Introduce yourself! Tell us a little about your background and describe why you chose this particular topic.
Describe the Natural Inquirer issue or article. How would you use it with students?
Describe the GLOBE resources.
Detail how these resources connect. How would you implement them with students in a classroom or educational setting?
List which NGSS student performance expectations, or disciplinary core ideas, would be covered with the series of activities. NGSS alignment with GLOBE materials are available at this link.
Be submitted as Microsoft Word file or Google Doc.
If you do not want to write a blog post, consider creating a post for social media (Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc.), a Google Slide presentation, a pacing guide, or something else to use with your students.
How to Earn the Stipend
Stipends will be paid for crosswalks chosen to be published to the GLOBE U.S. Country Coordinator blog and related social media.
Choose a Natural Inquirer issue and related GLOBE materials from the Wakelet links above.
Complete this Google Form.
Wait for an email from the GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office.
Send in a completed project!
The GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office will publish your project and send you paperwork to receive the stipend.
Contact the GLOBE U.S. Coordination Office at
Published Natural Inquirer and GLOBE Crosswalks
All products are listed on the GLOBE U.S. Teacher Resources page.
GLOBE and Natural Inquirer Crosswalk Project: Phenology by guest blogger Eliza Balch. Natural cycles are occurring all around us all the time-- but do you notice them? This piece shows the connections between the Green-Down Protocol, What Can We Learn About our Seasons? GLOBE Activity, and the Are You Ready to Change Natural Inquirer article. It is geared toward upper elementary students.
GLOBE and Natural Inquirer Crosswalk Project: Teach Earth Systems Connections in Three Steps by Alicia Carlson, U.S. GLOBE Coordination Office Outreach Lead. Teachers of Kindergarten to Grade 2 can use stories and observations of nature outside your door to help students understand how the systems of Earth (atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and pedosphere) are connected.
GLOBE and Natural Inquirer Crosswalk: Carbon Cycle by guest blogger Veshell Lewis, PhD. Secondary teachers can use the scientific article and scientist designed diagram as facilitation tools for discussing important global carbon cycle concepts.
What is the Natural Inquirer?
The Natural Inquirer Program (NIP) is an essential national asset for the U.S. Forest Service. The NIP consists of an interrelated and integrated set of science education and environmental literacy resources based on U.S. Forest Service scientists and their scientific work. The flagship product is Natural Inquirer, a science education journal written in a scientific journal format directly from the published work of U.S. Forest Service scientists for an upper elementary and middle school audience. Other products include the Investi-gator, a journal for upper elementary students; a Reader Series for K-2; coloring sheets and puzzles for preK-1, NSI:Nature Science Investigator, a non-formal self-directed science activity guide; scientist & engineer trading cards for middle school students; and bookmarks for high school students. All products are correlated to National Education Standards and are provided as a free resource to the public.
What is GLOBE?
The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program is an international science and education program that provides students and the public worldwide with the opportunity to participate in data collection and the scientific process, and contribute meaningfully to our understanding of the Earth system and global environment. The GLOBE Program is sponsored by NASA, and supported by the NSF, NOAA and the U.S. Department of State.