Stars and STEM Stories
Laredo ISD, Laredo, TX, United States
New GLOBE teachers and students in Laredo, Texas can't wait for school to begin. In fact, they're not! Students and teachers have been working together at a special camp this summer to master the GLOBE protocols so they will be ready to begin reporting data at the start of the new school year.
Under the leadership of the Laredo Independent School District's Project TEAMS, recently trained GLOBE teachers and incoming sixth-graders from all the area's elementary schools have been fine- tuning their skills in making atmosphere, soil, and hydrology measurements. A local television weather crew was really impressed with the students' scientific skills and filmed the kids in action!
"We wanted to give our teachers some experience with GLOBE, giving them a chance to practice and perfect their protocols prior to the new school year," says Adriana Lombrana, the Project TEAMS coordinator. "The feedback from both the kids and teachers has been excellent. In fact, the science teachers who ran this camp are hoping to present their GLOBE activities at the statewide Conference for the Advancement of Science Teachers."
"We've had other science camps in the past," Ms. Lombrana added, "but the kids said they liked GLOBE the best."
13 August 1999