Stars and STEM Stories
Uruguay Investigates GLOBE at Night
-slogan from the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - 1985
A group of 4th grade students from the Escuela Primaria "República de la India" in Montevideo, Uruguay worked with the GLOBE at Night activities from 5 - 21 March 2007. These 50 students, from 9 to 11 years old, worked together with their teachers Ms. Nelly Chocho and Ms. Patricia Píriz, to investigate the amount of light contamination in their neighborhood. They observed the stars together with their families, using the GLOBE family packets found on the GLOBE at Night Web site.
Professor Gabriel Otero, President of the Amateur Astronomy Association (AAA) in Uruguay, provided a lecture about stars and constellations to the group. These students hope to share the results of their research with the municipal authorities in Montevideo and to propose alternatives for reducing lightpollution in the city.
On March 21st at the municipal planetarium, 55 participants and their families observed Saturn and the constellation Orion through a telescope provided by the AAA. Everyone enjoyed the activity that brought families and friends together, and stated that they learned a lot and wish to continue their research with GLOBE.Professor Gabriel Otero, President of the Amateur Astronomy Association (AAA) in Uruguay, provided a lecture about stars and constellations to the group. These students hope to share the results of their research with the municipal authorities in Montevideo and to propose alternatives for reducing light pollution in the city.
09 May 2007