Stars and STEM Stories
2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition in New Delhi, India
The 5th GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) took place from 4-8 August 2014 in New Delhi, India. More than 300 participants from 29 countries took part in a range of educational activities including research and poster presentations, field studies and dialogue with keynote speakers and scientists.
GLOBE Learning Expeditions are organized every few years in order to provide students from around the world the opportunity primarily to present their research projects to their peers, to GLOBE scientists, and the greater GLOBE community. These conferences also provide students with the opportunity to establish friendships and to develop collaborative partnerships that will enhance their future GLOBE experiences.
For a glimpse of the participants and proceedings, view the 3-minute 2014 GLE video/slide show.
Click here.
More information about the 2014 event, including student and keynote speaker presentations, visit the GLE 2014 webpage.
On 3 August, the 18th Annual Partner Meeting was held in advance of the GLE. On 2 August, the inaugural meeting of the newly formed GLOBE Working Groups was also held, as part of the week-long gathering in New Delhi.