Stars and STEM Stories
GLOBE Guatemala: Students Measure Enormous Kapok Tree
GLOBE educators
and students from the village of El Terrerito in the municipality of
San Manuel Chaparrón, department of Jalapa in Guatemala, have been
using the GLOBE Observer app to monitor the solar eclipse and measure
cloud cover, temperature, mosquito habitats, and land cover. The
students also learned how to use a clinometer to measure the lushest
Kapok (Ceiba pentanda) tree in the region. This wonderful
tree is over 200 years old, 43 m tall and 18 m wide, and native to Guatemala.
The tree measurement event took place during the students’ technology and entrepreneurship classes. GLOBE educator Erwin Remberto Sandoval Méndez has been involved with GLOBE for one year now and shared the following insights:
On a personal and community level, this project enriches the education for both the educator and his students, and it also helps them monitor climate changes in their region. In relation to the GLOBE Program and community, this educational experience shared from this educational center is useful for obtaining scientific data to make measurements and compare them with satellite data.
Thank You
Thanks to Miguel Angel Guzmán Técnico de DIGECADE-MINEDUC for sharing this Stars story and to Josefina Gonzales from GLOBE LAC for translating the story from Spanish to English.
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