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Annual Meetings: Presentations and Discussions

GLOBE Annual Meetings provide teachers and partners with the opportunity to share how the program has worked in their local communities, schools and countries.

Participants are welcome to present their experiences and success with GLOBE in a variety of formats, including poster presentations, panel discussions and workshops. Learn more below about the different types of presentations available at Annual Meetings. 


DRAFT - Annual Meeting Teachers


Presentation Formats for the 2024 Annual Meeting

  • Poster Presentations: Teachers can supervise or present their students’ work as part of the Student Research Exhibition and Community Poster Session. Posters are visualizations that summarize programs, resources, research studies, or other work through text, images, and data. Posters must be submitted in English. Presenters may also bring a copy in other languages if they would like.

  • Lightning Talks: These short sessions highlight successful and innovative programs, community partnerships, environmental achievements, expanded audiences, research and evaluation findings, civic engagement, and more. Presentations are limited to a maximum of 6 minutes, and presenters are encouraged to use a maximum of six slides with more photos and/or graphics than words. All lightning talk presenters will be encouraged to host a table during the coffee “share-a-thon” after the lightning talk session where they can answer questions and engage with the GLOBE community to dig deeper into topics presented.

  • Share-a-thon Tables: Attendees may request a table where they can demonstrate their work or host a discussion in a 30-minute session. Some lightning talk presenters may be interested in hosting a share-a-thon table in the session immediately after their presentation, but attendees can also request a share-a-thon table without giving a lightning talk. 

  • Hands-On Presentations (only for the “learning about protocols” session): Hands-on presentations are designed to engage participants in teaching activities, interactive discussions, and more. We anticipate that the presenters for this session will have existing GLOBE Trainer or Mentor Trainer status. GIO may be able to provide equipment and instruments for the session, should that be required. Each session will be for 20 minutes, repeated three times as the audience rotates around the groups.