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Annual Meetings

GLOBE Annual Meetings are a chance for GLOBE community members at all levels of the program to celebrate the past year’s accomplishments, talk about new developments and brainstorm how to continue improving The GLOBE Program.

Attendees have the opportunity to learn from GLOBE Country Coordinators, U.S. Partners, Regional Coordinators, educators, students and scientists, as well as ask questions and share ideas with GLOBE's federal sponsors, the GLOBE Implementation Office and other GLOBE staff. Researchers, including many in the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN), have various platforms at meetings to discuss their remarkable careers and how they support GLOBE’s mission.

Find out more about what GLOBE members do at Annual Meetings, and how 2023 attendees celebrated GLOBE's first in-person meeting in four years.

For more information about GLOBE Annual Meetings, contact the GLOBE Implementation Office.


2024 Annual Meeting banner, showing students collecting data in front of Niagara Falls.

2024 Annual Meeting: Climate and Resilience

The 2024 Annual Meeting was held in July at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Fredonia. The theme of the 2024 meeting, which was co-hosted by SUNY Fredonia, was "Climate and Resilience". View the 2024 Annual Meeting Program

The meeting also included GLOBE students who participated in the 2024 International Virtual Science Symposium or Student Research Symposia.


In addition to the general schedule provided below, view the meeting program for agenda details, including information on community presentations, protocol training sessions, the special field trip to Niagara Falls, the GLOBE Sponsor panel and keynote speakers.

  • Networking breakfast (provided)
  • Opening session
  • Networking break (tea/coffee provided)
  • Program session #1: Climate and Resilience introduction
  • Keynote #1: John Francis, PlanetWalk
  • Responses to the keynote (lunch provided)
  • 2024 eclipse lightning talk presentations
  • Community presentations session #1
  • Community share-a-thon #1 (tea/coffee provided) 
  • Program session #2
  • Opening reception and poster presentation (buffet provided)

  • Breakfast (provided)
  • Joint U.S. Partner and Country Coordinator meeting 
  • DIS clinic: GLOBE data visualization system, troublshooting
  • Networking break (tea/coffee provided)
  • Learning About Protocols session 
  • Keynote #2: Rhiannan Price, NASA Lifelines
  • NASA Lifelines 'lunch club' activity (working lunch provided)
  • Community presentations session #2
  • Community share-a-thon #2 (tea/coffee provided)
  • Working Groups updates
  • Vendor exhibition
  • Dinner (provided)

  • Breakfast (provided) 
  • Niagara Falls State Park and Niagara Falls Power Station field trip (transport and bag lunch provided; trip returns in late afternoon)
  • Program session #3
  • GLOBE Gives Back
  • Dinner (provided) 

  • Breakfast session (provided)
  • Announcements / reminders
  • Program session #4
  • Networking break (tea/coffee provided)
  • Community Presentations session #3
  • Keynote speaker #3: Katie Spellman, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  • Responses to the keynote (lunch provided)
  • Student session
  • Networking break (tea/coffee provided)
  • Closing session
  • Meeting banquet and official closing (dinner provided)