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Annual Meetings

GLOBE Annual Meetings are a chance for GLOBE community members at all levels of the program to celebrate the past year’s accomplishments, talk about new developments and brainstorm how to continue improving The GLOBE Program.

Attendees have the opportunity to learn from GLOBE Country Coordinators, U.S. Partners, Regional Coordinators, educators, students and scientists, as well as ask questions and share ideas with GLOBE's federal sponsors, the GLOBE Implementation Office and other GLOBE staff. Researchers, including many in the GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN), have various platforms at meetings to discuss their remarkable careers and how they support GLOBE’s mission.

Find out more about what GLOBE members do at Annual Meetings, and how 2023 attendees celebrated GLOBE's first in-person meeting in four years.

For more information about GLOBE Annual Meetings, email


2024 Annual Meeting banner, showing students collecting data in front of Niagara Falls.

2024 Annual Meeting: Climate and Resilience

This year's Annual Meeting will be held in July at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Fredonia, a town on the shores of Lake Erie. The theme of the 2024 meeting, which will be co-hosted by SUNY Fredonia, is "Climate and Resilience".

The meeting will include GLOBE students who participated in the 2024 International Virtual Science Symposium or Student Research Symposia.

Registration closes 5 July.

More information about logistics for the meeting is available here.


In addition to the general schedule provided below, a more detailed agenda will be posted here soon, including further information on community presentations, protocol training sessions, the special field trip to Niagara Falls, the GLOBE Sponsor panel and keynote speakers.

Other than those attending invitation-only meetings on Saturday and and Sunday (for, respectively, Regional Coordination Offices and Working Groups), most participants will arrive on Sunday 14 July and depart on Friday 19 July.

Note: Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided for all attendees from 15 to 18 July. In addition, meals will also be provided for those invited to attend events on 14 July and 19 July.

  • Networking breakfast (provided)
  • Opening session
  • Networking break (tea/coffee provided)
  • Program session #1: Climate and Resilience introduction
  • Keynote #1: John Francis, PlanetWalk
  • Responses to the keynote (lunch provided)
  • 2024 eclipse lightning talk presentations
  • Community presentations session #1
  • Community share-a-thon #1 (tea/coffee provided) 
  • Program session #2
  • Opening reception and poster presentation (buffet provided)

  • Breakfast (provided)
  • Joint U.S. Partner and Country Coordinator meeting 
  • DIS clinic: GLOBE data visualization system, troublshooting
  • Networking break (tea/coffee provided)
  • Learning About Protocols session 
  • Keynote #2: Rhiannan Price, NASA Lifelines
  • NASA Lifelines 'lunch club' activity (working lunch provided)
  • Community presentations session #2
  • Community share-a-thon #2 (tea/coffee provided)
  • Working Groups updates
  • Vendor exhibition
  • Dinner (provided)

  • Breakfast (provided) 
  • Niagara Falls State Park and Niagara Falls Power Station field trip (transport and bag lunch provided; trip returns in late afternoon)
  • Program session #3
  • GLOBE Gives Back
  • Dinner (provided) 

  • Breakfast session (provided)
  • Announcements / reminders
  • Program session #4
  • Networking break (tea/coffee provided)
  • Community Presentations session #3
  • Keynote speaker #3: Katie Spellman, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  • Responses to the keynote (lunch provided)
  • Student session
  • Networking break (tea/coffee provided)
  • Closing session
  • Meeting banquet and official closing (dinner provided)

Call for Presentations

The call for community presentations is now closed. For more information on presentation formats and to see past presentations, visit the Presentations and Discussions page

Accommodations and Travel

There will be accomodation options on the SUNY Fredonia campus and at hotels in Fredonia.

SUNY Fredonia Campus
There are no longer any single rooms available. The only rooms that remain are double rooms (two beds per room; four guests share bath), available at SUNY University's Commons Dorms (280 Central Avenue, Fredonia) for $65 per person. 

Note: There are a limited number of dorm rooms available.

To request a reservation, email with the subject line, "Dorm Room - [attendee name]" and the following information: 
  • Attendee name
  • Arrival and departure dates
  • Gender (required, as some rooms and baths will be shared)
  • Room type
  • Roommate name(s), if applicable
Dorm rooms require prepayment. Attendees will receive invoices before the meeting.

Hotels in Fredonia
Attendees wishing to stay at the following locations must book their rooms directly with the hotel.
  • Best Western Dunkirk & Fredonia Inn
    Address: 3912 Vineyard Drive, Dunkirk, New York
    Phone: Toll-free for reservations (US and Canada): 800-780-7234; Hotel direct: 716-366-7100
    Average nightly rate: $150
  • Clarion Hotel Conference Center on Lake Erie
    Address: 30 Lake Shore Drive East, Dunkirk, New York
    Phone: 716-952-4611
    Average nightly rate: $150
  • Quality Inn
    3925 Vineyard Drive, Dunkirk, New York
    Phone:716 672-4450
    Average nightly rate: $120.00 USD

Airport and Shuttle Information
The nearest airports are Buffalo Niagara International Airport, which has direct flights from many U.S. airports and connections to the major U.S. international hub airports, and Pittsburgh International Airport. (Note: Fredonia is about a seven-hour drive from New York City's regional airports.)

Shuttle Schedule (to and from the Buffalo Niagara International Airport)
Transportation to and from the Buffalo Niagara International Airport is provided free of charge to meeting participants at a set schedule. Pickup at the airport will be at the bus lot. Look for a bus with Fisher Bus Service on the side of the bus and a GLOBE sign in the window. View the schedule


Parking will be provided near the dorms for those staying on campus - the locations will be provided to you when you check-in. For those staying off campus and driving in each day, there is plenty of free parking very close to the Williams Center, where the meeting will be held. There will be signage indicating the locations of these parking lots when you arrive.

The U.S. visa process can take a long time, and some attendees may want to start this process before this meeting's registration opens. To request a visa support letter, email your full name, school/organization, role/position and country of residence to

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