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IVSS: Badges

Reports submitted to the International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) are reviewed by a team of judges. After reviewing a project, IVSS judges evaluate each report by awarding the project either a one, two, three or four-star student research badge. Judges may also award optional, theme-specific badges to students if their reports meet the given criteria.

Reports that meet an established threshold—in most years, a four-star research badge and at least two optional badges—are eligible for a random drawing to receive a stipend or other award.

Below are the badges that are available for the 2025 Symposium.

Badge for All IVSS Projects

Badge for I Am a Student ResearcherI AM A STUDENT RESEARCHER

All students who submit a report to the IVSS receive an "I am a Student Researcher" badge. As such, students can earn up to four badges total.


Highlight Badge for 2025 IVSS Theme

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The report includes in-depth analysis of data downloaded from the GLOBE database as well as the students’ own data sources, if new data was collected. Students discuss limitations of these data; make inferences about past, present or future events; or use data to answer questions or solve problems in the represented system.

Note: To be entered into the Earth Day stipend drawing the “I am a Data Scientist” badge must be met, in addition to at least one of the Optional Badges listed below. 

Required Components

Data Table(s)
  • Provide data tables that contain all data retrieved from the GLOBE database and any student collected data. Raw data (all data retrieved from the GLOBE database prior to any cleaning of the data) should be included as a separate page labeled “Appendix” for review.
  • Data tables should be organized, be labeled with headings/titles/units, and clearly communicate the data collected as part of the project.
  • Graphs are present, correctly constructed, and appropriate to the type of data collected.
  • Appropriate statistical/mathematical analysis is provided and carried out correctly.
  • Results of statistical/mathematical analysis are clearly communicated. This can also be displayed in the form of a clearly labeled table.
  • Where appropriate, qualitative data and observations are complete and thorough.
Discussion of Analysis and Conclusion
  • A narrative describing the data and analysis should be included. All claims based on the data should be referenced to the data included in the project.
  • Summarize trends observed in the data and discuss any statistical analysis and tests that were conducted.
  • Compare your results with published and/or expected results.
  • Discuss any problem areas of the data presented, and discuss how the issues surrounding the data could be addressed.
  • Include proposals for future research.

Other 2025 IVSS Badges

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The report clearly describes the interconnectedness of Earth's spheres on the research question and applies multiple GLOBE protocols, or GLOBE Protocol Bundles, to investigate the research question. The research team clearly explains the dynamic and interconnected nature of Earth's systems and the processes that influence and depend on one another through the analysis and interpretation of GLOBE and Earth system science data. 

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While working on climate projects, students may learn how they can be part of possible solutions to the problems they are investigating. This badge will be awarded to reports that demonstrate how GLOBE students are using Earth system science for a better world.

I am a collaborator badge, with image showing four students holding up the globe together.


All team members are listed including students from the same school or schools from around the world, along with clearly defined roles, how these roles support one another, and descriptions of each student's contribution. The descriptions clearly indicate the advantages of the collaboration. If the students collaborated with students from another school, describe how working with other schools improved the research. 

I make an impact badge, with image showing three students celebrating by the globe.


The report clearly describes how a local issue led to the research questions or makes connections between local and global impacts. The students need to clearly describe or show how the research contributed to a positive impact on their community through making recommendations or taking action based on findings. 
I work with a STEM Professional badge, with image showing an adult and student holding a globe together.


The report clearly describes collaboration with a STEM professional that enhanced the research methods, contributed to improved precision and supported more sophisticated analyses and interpretations of results.  

I am an engineer badge, with image of two people working on gears.


The report uses student-generated sources of evidence to describe an engineering problem, looks at solutions through engineering or optimizes a design to address a real-world problem, and describes the potential impact of the engineering principles on the environment.

I am a STEM storyteller, with image of three students holding hands.


The report describes or shows how the students shared the story of their research in a creative way. This could be through a dramatic interpretation, a blog, Instagram post, artist rendering or any other way to creatively share what the students learned.