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IVSS: Judge Resources and Guidelines

GLOBE relies on volunteer judges from every region to help score student reports submitted for an International Virtual Science Symposium. The students greatly appreciate receiving feedback on their projects that helps them to improve as researchers and life-long learners.

STEM professionals, GLOBE alumni, teachers, graduate students and others who wish to be a judge should review the below information.


Time Commitment

Scoring can take anywhere from one to several hours, dependent upon on how much time you can commit to the process. Each project typically takes around 20-30 minutes to assess. You can also choose how many projects you'd like to score.

Note: To receive a certificate and have your name listed in the next GLOBE Annual Meeting agenda, judges must score a minimum of three projects by the judging due date.

Judging Process

Judging takes place in March and April. It is the responsibility of each individual judge to manage their time accordingly during the judging period. The scoring process consists of filling out a Google form with the scores and any feedback for the student(s) while adhering to the rubrics provided from The GLOBE Program.  


2025 Resources for Judges

Student Feedback

To find tips on providing student feedback, check out our Student Feedback Guide.