IVSS Report Requirements
IVSS: Report Requirements
Students and teachers should review the required components and avail
able resources below bef
re submitting a
report for an International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS). Once all necessary items are included in a report, submit it using GLOBE’s Student Research Report Tool. Note: IVSS student research reports should be submitted through the "Upload a Research Report" tool on the IVSS page during the IVSS submission period, which is 5 December 2024 to 5 March 2025 for the 2025 IVSS.
Requirements vary by grade level. Projects submitted after the due date will not be scored. Submitted reports can be updated through the "Edit My Reports" link under the "Upload a Research Report" tool before the report is published on the website.
Learn more about how each grade level is judged for IVSS reports.
Required Components for IVSS
1. Completed Written Report
Reports must include:
The complete research report must be submitted as a PDF or Word doc (DOCX/DOC). Reports that use more than one language should be submitted as a singular file. Reports that are not submitted as these file types will not be accepted for judging. Reports written in languages other than English should include the report headings and abstract translated in English.
To download a report template, visit the IVSS Student Resources page.
Academic Integrity Guidelines
Students are expected to write their research reports, prepare presentations, conduct research, and analyze data on their own. Educators and scientist mentors are encouraged to provide feedback, facilitate learning, and offer additional instructional support, as needed, but may not write or directly contribute to student research reports or presentations. Students are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity on their IVSS projects. Students should not engage in any form of dishonesty such as plagiarism, misrepresenting research findings, or cheating.
Ethical Use of Generative AI
Students may not use generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) to write their reports or to create their presentations. Acceptable use of generative AI may include the analysis of large datasets, such as predictive modeling; data processing; image analysis; and/or the development of code for analyses.
Students should acknowledge the work of others by providing accurate citations and attributing sources properly in their IVSS projects. If generative AI (i.e. ChatGPT) is used for any part of the investigation, it must be cited.
2. Badge Descriptions
All projects that are scored earn the "I am a Student Researcher" badge. Students must receive two additional badges and a four-star rating to be considered for the Earth Day stipend drawing. Students must select and earn the "I am a Data Scientist" badge for entry into the 2025 IVSS stipend drawing. Reports should include a short summary of how each badge has been completed.
Note: Reports may earn up to three additional badges.
3. Presentation
Projects must include a presentation focused on the student research. Presentations may be one of the following:
- A video — 10 minutes or less — hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, TeacherTube or another file sharing site
- Upload the video link as part of the report, not the video file.
- A presentation poster
- Poster files can be uploaded as PPT, PDF or image files.
- A StoryMap
- Add StoryMap links in the video link section of the upload tool.
4. Report Cover Image (Thumbnail Image)
An image to be displayed on the student report page of the website.
5. Photo Release Forms
Everyone who appears in a photo or video must complete a media release form. If there are no indentifiable images of people, please indicate this on the media release form. Save all media release forms as one file per report.