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International Virtual Science Symposium

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The International Virtual Science Symposium is an opportunity for GLOBE students to showcase their research to the rest of the community. Projects are judged by prestigious scientists across dozens of GLOBE nations. Students are eligible for stipends and GLOBE badges

Students may submit a project on any topic, but they are encouraged to align their research with the year’s theme.

Note: Students must complete and sign a media release form in order for their project to be accepted for judging.

2024 Symposium: Climate Investigations

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The 2024 Symposium's theme was "Climate Investigations: Understanding Earth as a System," which encouraged students from GLOBE's 127 member countries to do their own climate research. The event was a part of GLOBE’s Year of Climate and Carbon Campaign.

This year, GLOBE received a record-breaking 285 student reports, with about 125 of those reports receiving high enough scores to be eligible for a stipend.

Projects were eligible for the new "I am a problem solver" badge for GLOBE students who proposed solutions to difficult problems. Students who produced outstanding work may get the opportunity to present their work at the 2024 GLOBE Annual Meeting in the USA, where the theme will be "Climate and Resilience." 

2024 Symposium Timeline