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GLOBE Information Sheets

Want to share information about the GLOBE Program? Presenting about the GLOBE Program at a conference? This page contains a collection of GLOBE Information Sheets.

Learn about the GLOBE Program's vision, mission, and history, as well as how members make global connections through the program.

View document here.

Through the GLOBE Program, educators can connect students to an international network of students, educators and scientists while learning more about our shared environment. For a school to fully participate in the GLOBE Program, at least one educator must be trained in GLOBE science measurement protocols and education activities.

View document here.

The GLOBE Program welcomes individual volunteers of all ages to participate in GLOBE by collecting environmental data through the GLOBE Observer app.

View document here.

The GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) is an international network of STEM professionals who contribute meaningfully to GLOBE.

​​​​​​​View document here.

GLOBE eTraining provides the opportunity for new and existing GLOBE users, primarily educators, to complete science protocol training at any time, anywhere. GLOBE eTraining consists of training modules, online assessments for each module, and access to support from GLOBE staff.

View document here.

GLOBE Campaigns and Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs) are regional and worldwide projects that provide students with hands-on opportunities to learn about the Earth. These initiatives are grounded in real science embedded in an inquiry-based, collaborative approach. 

View document here.

Researchers use GLOBE-collected data, alongside remotely sensed satellite data, to validate and calibrate satellite instruments. NASA satellite missions collect worldwide environmental data that aligns with data collected through GLOBE protocols.

​​​​​​​View document here.

A map and list of participating GLOBE countries by region. 

​​​​​​​View document here.

The United States is divided into six GLOBE regions. Each region has one representative on the U.S. Partner Forum, who works closely to guide the future of GLOBE Program in the United States.

​​​​​​​View document here.

GLOBE Partners (Country Coordinators and U.S. Partners) facilitate the implementation of GLOBE in their country or within a service area of their country. Partners recruit schools, as well as provide training opportunities and mentoring activities for educators to promote the teaching and learning of science, enhance environmental literacy and stewardship, and promote scientific discovery.

​​​​​​​View document here.

The GLOBE Program can help to achieve the Peace Corps vision of “building host communities capacity and availability of social resources to help maintain healthy livelihoods.”

​​​​​​​View document here.

Learn more about how GLOBE’s programmatic activities and science protocols align with USAID program sectors.

​​​​​​​View document here.

Learn more about how GLOBE's goals incorporate UNESCO's Education for Sustainable Development Principles.

​​​​​​​View document here.

The GLOBE Program has amassed a rich set of global environmental data that are freely available to all members of the public. Learn more about how to retrieve GLOBE data from the GLOBE website.

​​​​​​​View document here.

GLOBE provides opportunities for researchers to engage with the community. Learn more about these opportunities.

​​​​​​​View document here.

Learn more about how the GLOBE Program can support and aligns to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development.

View document here.

This document presents the benefits that students gain from participating in the GLOBE Program and provides a pitch for potential funders. This document highlights the importance and value of GLOBE, and can be modified to meet the needs of the user and the requirements of funders.

This document is available in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Arabic.