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30 Years of GLOBE Campaign Webinars

During the 30 Years of GLOBE Campaign, the GLOBE Implementation Office will facilitate webinars from NASA scientists, GISN members, GLOBE community members, and other subject matter experts to highlight different local climate-related topics, celebrate the past 30 years of GLOBE data and more!

All webinars will be held virtually over Zoom. Please see below for specific dates and registration details for each webinar.

Upcoming Webinars

Title: GLOBE Surface Temperature Protocol - Development of a Unique Data Set to Study the Earth
Date: 8 May 2025 @ 10 am ET (2:00 pm UTC)
Description: The GLOBE surface temperature protocol was developed by Kevin Czajkowski and his team at the University of Toledo from an NSF grant in 1999. The protocol grew out of efforts to validate surface temperature collected from satellites and the reduction in the cost of instruments. Thousands of students around the world have taken surface temperature observations over the years focused around the Urban Heat Island Campaign and now Intensive Observation Period. In this webinar, we will look at how adoption of surface temperature by teachers has changed over time and the type of student and scientist projects that have been completed.

Registration: Register for the webinar here

Title: NISAR: Imaging Radar Unveiling the Changing Earth 
Date: 6 March 2025 @ 10 am ET (3:00 pm UTC)

Description: Join Dr. Kyle McDonald, NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) Mission Project Scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the City College of New York, for an overview of the NISAR Mission. The NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) is a joint Earth science mission between NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization. NISAR’s unique imaging radar capability will enable continuous observations of Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems, cryosphere, and dynamic surface and interior. This webinar will provide an overview of the NISAR mission and its capability to study our environment.
Link: Webinar recording

Title: Make Your Data Talk: Transforming Data Into Visual Stories
Date: 6 February 2025 @ 10 am ET (3:00 pm UTC)
Description: Is that snow always there? Are those leaves on trees always there? Is that water always there? In this webinar, Peder Nelson will share how to create a seasonal animated GIF of a GLOBE study site using Landsat time series images. He will discuss how to use time series animations as a way to understand and describe local change and reveal patterns and processes that are often hidden within a single image. Bring your GLOBE study site and/or your school location (latitude, longitude) to this interactive session. 
LinkWebinar recording

Title: GLOBE Chronicles of Change
Date: 9 January 2025 @ 10 am ET (3:00 pm UTC)
Description: Join Dr. Rusty Low, Deputy Director of Science for the GLOBE Implementation Office, and Cassie Soeffing, Senior Science Educator, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, in this hands-on webinar that introduces participants to different data sources that can enrich GLOBE data collected locally.  The GLOBE Chronicles of Change is a template you can use to describe environmental and other changes that have taken place in your community. You will use satellite imagery, demographic data, and other data sources to create hypotheses about Earth system change in your community, and will identify GLOBE protocols that can be applied to test your hypotheses.  Educators will leave the webinar with a template they can use to reproduce this activity with their learners.
Links: Webinar recording and GLOBE Chronicles of Change resources

Title: A Tale of Two Scientists: Changes in Data and Technology Over Time
Date: 5 December 2025 @ 10 am ET (3:00 pm UTC)
Description: In support of the 30 Years of GLOBE Data campaign, listen in on a discussion between Dr. Russ Congalton, the original GLOBE Land Cover protocol scientist, with scientist Peder Nelson, who currently supports the GLOBE Observer Land Cover tool. How has changes in technology impacted GLOBE data, and what is the scientific legacy of GLOBE data?
LinkWebinar recording

Title: Cleaning GLOBE Data for Student Research Projects and Data Analysis
Date: 20 November 2024 @ 12 pm ET (5:00 pm UTC)
Description: Join Tracy Ostrom, GLOBE Mission Earth Project Coordinator, in this interactive webinar on collecting, organizing and 'cleaning' GLOBE data! We will start by working with atmospheric data collected by middle school students. This engagement will lead webinar participants into interacting with the GLOBE ADAT system. Participants will be shown how GLOBE data from ADAT can be downloaded, "cleaned", and analyzed.
Link: Webinar recording

Title: Data Time Machine: How to Look at Local Data Over Time
Date: 7 November 2024 @ 10 am ET (3:00 pm UTC)
Description: Technology has changed significantly in 30 years, but the fundamental questions we ask of Earth system data are still current. Join Peder Nelson, GLOBE Observer Land Cover science lead in a discussion of why we want to explore that past 30 years of GLOBE data and connect it to our present observations. Using examples, Peder will present strategies to address challenges you might encounter in creating a data time series from your local data, and he will discuss how uncertainty is an issue that always needs to be addressed in the analysis of any data set.
Link: Webinar recording

Title: 30 Years of GLOBE Data Campaign Introduction
Date: 23 October 2024 @ 9 am ET (1:00 pm UTC)
Description: Meet the GIO Science Lead, Dr. Charles Vörösmarty, who will introduce the 2024-2025 data campaign, 30 Years of GLOBE. He will discuss about how changes in the Earth system over time can be detected by looking at data time series. Dr. Vörösmarty will provide examples from his work with water and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
Links: Webinar recording and slide deck

Title: GLOBE Data Student Research Presentations on Agrivoltaic Farming and Urban Heat Islands
Date: 17 October 2024 @ 7 pm ET (11:00 pm UTC)
Description: This webinar will include presentations given by high school students who have collected GLOBE land cover and surface temperature data. The webinar is in partnership with GLOBE Mission Mosquito and the NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative (NESEC). 
Link: Webinar recording

Title: 2025 IVSS Accessing Data from the GLOBE Database
Date: 9 October 2024 @ 1 pm ET (5:00 pm UTC)
Description: Learn how to access and download data from the GLOBE Visualization System and GLOBE's Advanced Data Access Tool (ADAT) to support students with their 2025 International Science Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) projects, and the connections with the 30 Years of GLOBE Campaign.
Link: Webinar recording and slide deck

Full Webinar Schedule

Title: 30 Years of GLOBE Campaign Celebration
Date: TBA September 2025 
Description: Celebrate and share the products and metrics of the 30 Years of GLOBE Campaign!