News - Africa
Fall 2024 North American Phenology Campaign: Reports from the Field
This past fall, the North American GLOBE community collected 1,695 Green-down measurements! The top 3 schools that contributed data were:
Pearl Creek Elementary, Fairbanks, Alaska (680)
Denali Elementary, Fairbanks, Alaska (200)
Wardlaw+Hartridge School, Edison, New Jersey (156)
Congratulations to the educators and young scientists for all of their observations!
We asked the community to tell us about their experiences. Here are just a few responses.
Student Perspectives
Young scientists in New Mexico
participated in the Fall 2024 North American Phenology Campaign. They
reported their teacher assigned them to take pictures of their leaves.
During the first week, the leaves started out green and slowly turned
into a yellow color from the bottom up. They asked themselves when the
leaves would fall. They noticed that the leaves that were more exposed
to the sun fell sooner.
A student in New Jersey reported that the North America Phenology Campaign project was interesting because it allowed them to observe and analyze the growth patterns and changes in color of a poplar tree. This experience helped them understand more about the life cycle of plants. They also learned how to put the scientific method into action, including making observations, forming hypotheses, and analyzing data. They applied math skills when measuring growth and frequency of color. “Overall, it was an awesome and educational experience.”
Educator Perspectives
An educator reported observing Green-down of a silver maple tree beginning in early October 2024. Using the GLOBE Green-down worksheet, she recorded the time, dates, temperature conditions and color changes for the leaves until the last leaf dropped on November 9, 2024. “During this project, I had so much fun, eureka moments, as well as much data on how this year's fall color changes were much different than last year's.”
Another educator from Ohio shared the photos below showing her classroom data and these words: “We border our [local] Botanical Gardens. We focused on one tree in our school gardens. We tracked it twice a week for several weeks. We also watched over 7 trees at the Botanical Gardens.”