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  • 25 Students
  • 1 Educator
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  • 50562 Data Entries
  • 114 Honor Rolls


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2024 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

أثر الأمطار الحمضية على المياه العذبة والتربة


Rainfall variation and its impact on agriculture in the city of Sabya


The effect of weather and soil on the reproduction of pomegranate fruits in the city of Sabya.


The relationship between weather change and mosquito breeding and its impact on human health in the city of Bish.


Light pollution and its impact on the environmental system in the city of Sabya


2023 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The relationship between weather change and mosquito breeding and its impact on human health in the city of Bish.

The effect of weather and soil on the reproduction of pomegranate fruits in the city of Sabya.

Light pollution and its impact on the environmental system in the city of Sabya.

Sunshine vitamin and the effect of temperature on the population of Jizan-Bish

2022 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Global warming and its relationship to climate change and its impact on human activities in the city of Sabya

The impact of the weather on the soil on the cultivation of pomegranate fruit in the city of Sabya.

The relationship between climate change and mosquitoes and their impact on human health in the city of Baish .

2021 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The impact of the weather on the soil on the cultivation of pomegranate fruit in the city of Sabya.

مقارنة بين تربة سهول وادي بيش وتربة سواحل بحر بيش وتأثيرها على الزراعة .

2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

The effect of temperature and soil acidity on cultivation of Sun flower that grows at Al-mattan school at Sabya

Comparison between the soil of Valley Bish plains and the soil of Bish coasts and their impact on agriculture

2019 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium

Effect of Indian clay on ZamZam water allergy

School Badges
