AL-Qaraawi secondary School at Jazan - AL-Qaraawi secondary School at Jazan
School / Data Site Locations
GLOBE Educators
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 25 Students
- 1 Educator
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 5985 Data Entries
- 6 Honor Rolls
School Badges
2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
A Statistical survey of the prevalence of Medicinal Plants in Samtah Region
2019 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Study of the effect of climate change on the distribution of some types of wild plants in the province of Samta - Jazan region - Saudi Arabia.
Study of the effect of climate changes on the density of some wild plants in the province of Samta
تأثير التغيرات المناخية على كثافة بعض النباتات البرية