Al Shaikh Salim Bin Hamoud AlSiyabi basic school - Al Shaikh Salim Bin Hamoud AlSiyabi basic school
School / Data Site Locations
GLOBE Educators
SCHOOL at a Glance

- 25 Students
- 2 Educators
- 0 Pre-service Teachers
- 0 GLOBE Observers
- 5660 Data Entries
- 4 Honor Rolls
School Badges
2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
The effect of throwing construction and demolition waste on the environment In the Sultanate of Oman, Governorate of Muscat
2019 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Effect of gas stations on the atmosphere in the Omani environment in Muscat Governorate
2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Impact of dams on the course of valleys in the Omani environment in Muscat Governorate
2017 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium
Effect of burning plant residues on the atmosphere
GLOBE 2016 Data Quality Challenge