GLOBE Alumni Community

The Alumni Network

Alumni Overview

The GLOBE Alumni Network consists of students who have graduated from a GLOBE school or class but want to remain part of The GLOBE Program and its community. GLOBE created the Alumni Network in 2005 at the request of European students who were working with their Country Coordinators to serve as volunteers for GLOBE.



Alumni are able to make a difference in their community by encouraging GLOBE participation and fostering relationships with students, educators and environmental science professionals. Acting as mentors, liaisons or simply friends, alumni are a vital resource for connecting GLOBE to the next generation of students.

Alumni Community Spotlight


Our most recent Community Spotlight alumnus is Yashraj Patil, a U.N. Global Diplomacy Fellow. In his Spotlight essay, Yashraj explains how his introduction to The GLOBE Program was a turning point in his life.   

Learn about other alumni who have received a GLOBE community profile spotlight, with stories showing how working with GLOBE has affected each of their lives in profound ways.

Alumni Contacts

If you are currently an alumnus, connect with other alumni and see all the ways you can stay involved with GLOBE.