
Asset Publisher

Don't Miss Out on These Upcoming GLOBE Events!
A lot is happening in the coming weeks and months! Check out this list of upcoming GLOBE events.  >>

Mariana Savino, GLOBE Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Regional Coordinator Accepted into UNITAR Fellowship
Mariana Savino has been accepted into UNITAR's Global Diplomacy Initiative, a prestigious fellowship focused on diplomacy, negotiation, and international collaboration.  >>

"Snow View" IOP Webinar Recording Now Available: Snow Impacts: How Does Your Community Adapt?
The "Snow View" IOP webinar from 13 February "Snow Impacts: How Does Your Community Adapt?" recording is now available.  >>

Make Your Data Talk: Transforming Data Into Visual Stories Webinar Recording Now Available
The 30 Years of GLOBE Campaign: Comparing Data Past and Present webinar "Make Your Data Talk: Transforming Data Into Visual Stories" recording is now available.  >>

Join GLOBE Mission Earth Urban Heat Island Intensive Observation Period – March 2025
GLOBE Mission Earth invites educators, citizen scientists, and students all over the world to participate in the Urban Heat Island Intensive Observation Period (UHI-IOP) throughout December.  >>

GLOBE Oman Observes and Collects Data on Land and Water and Convenes to Share Knowledge
GLOBE Oman students, educators, and supervisors have been busy over the past months with various land and water observations, including learning about how the use of plastics impacts the environment and the importance of clean potable water. They also convened twice to discuss their findings and share knowledge. Read their most recent Stars Story submissions.  >>

"Snow View" Intensive Observation Period (IOP) Kick-off and Informational Discussion - Recording Now Available
Peder Nelson, GLOBE Observer Land Cover Science Lead and "Snow View" IOP Co-lead Scientist, provides an overview of the "Snow View" Intensive Observation Period (IOP) taking place during the month of February.  >>

The IVSS Project Submission Deadline is 5 March: Explore These Resources to Support Students in Using GLOBE Data to Develop a Research Project
The International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) submission deadline is coming up on 5 March! We can’t wait to see how students are using GLOBE protocols and data to conduct research in their local communities aligned to this year’s theme: 30 Years of GLOBE: Understanding the Past, Present, and Future.  >>

Don't Miss Out on These Upcoming GLOBE Events!
A lot is happening in the coming weeks and months! Check out this list of upcoming GLOBE events.  >>

How to Submit an IVSS Project Webinar Recording Now Available
The International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) webinar recording from 22 January on How to Submit an IVSS Project is now available!  >>