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Citizen Science Month - April - One Million Acts of Science

Citizen Science Month

Date: 04/01/2025 - 04/30/2025

Celebrate people-powered science

ANYONE, anytime, from anywhere, can be involved in One Million Acts of Science each April during Citizen Science Month.

Individual acts add up to an important collective impact that accelerates scientific research, discoveries, and local actions that make a difference.

In fact, last year, half a million volunteers from 126 countries contributed more than One Million Acts of Science through nearly 1,000 scientific research projects and events in April.

From sharing photos of nature to help communities, planners, and scientists document biodiversity, to browsing images on your computer to help speed up research about Alzheimer’s disease, to using your phone to help track microplastics and air quality, each of these Acts of Science is important.

What is Citizen Science Month?

SciStarter helps connect people to projects and events all year long, but during Citizen Science Month, we work with many partners to reach people we’re not reaching throughout the year. Too many people are unaware that they are both needed and invited to take part in helping to shape the future through science.

During events, and anytime in April, everyone, everywhere, is encouraged to participate in projects. No prior experience is required.

What is an Act of Science?

Attend an online or in-person event or join a project to play games that accelerate medical research, analyze online images to help make discoveries, share pictures of nature to help scientists spot biodiversity trends, use your smartphone to monitor your environment…and much more! These all count as Acts of Science!

During Citizen Science Month, with your help, we aim to make a collective impact of One Million Acts of Science where our goal is to generate over one million data points to featured projects you’ll find on
