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  Asia Pacific Region Earth Day Poster Competition announcement

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A group of three students and a professor stand around a large carrying case and an instrument on a tripod. One student is typing on a laptop that is on top of the case. The group is in a forest.
Text reading
An artistic drawing of a tree with satellite data showing Japan and China in the background. Overlaying text reads: The GLOBE Program, Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign. The State of Trees – May 2024. Live from Japan at the 2024 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU): Revisiting the Water-Land-Tree Boundary and the “2023 Where is the Water Challenge,” through the use of NASA Datasets and NASA Wordview. Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 3:00 pm Japan Time (2:00 am EDT, 6:00 UTC, 8:00 CEST). Rebroadcast on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 1:00 pm EDT (17:00 UTC, 7:00 pm CEST)

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Below, you will find all the Country Reports available for the countries of the Asia and Pacific region. To access them, simply click on the country name below the year you are interested in...

Globe At A Glance

REGION at a Glance

  • 87109 Students
  • 6305 Educators
  • 767 Pre-service Teachers
  • 47518 GLOBE Observers
  • 4146681 Data Entries
  • 5493 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
  • 696 Trainers
  • 16 Mentor Trainers
  • 6867 People Trained
  • 646 Workshops Held

GLOBE People


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