News - Austria
GLOBE Europe and Eurasia Announces Winners of the Regional GLOBE at My School Photo Competition
GLOBE Europe and Eurasia is pleased to present the winning photos of the regional GLOBE at My School picture competition. The jury consisted of the members of the Board of Europe and Eurasia Region.
GLOBE schools from this region contributed by more than 600 photos that captured their best moments with GLOBE showing their work, GLOBE study sites and their local environment.
The most outstanding photos were selected to illustrate Europe and Eurasia's 2015 GLOBE at My School Calendar which is now available.
Download your own copy of this spectacular calendar:
1) pdf file of 25,3 MB for screen view and email
2) pdf file of high resolution (83 MB) suitable for printing
Awarded photos come from 8 European countries: Croatia, Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Macedonia, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ukraine, and Croatia. For more information, and the list of winners, click here.
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office