Bahrain - Bahrain
School / Informal Education Organization Locations
Loading most recent measurements...
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About the GLOBE Program in Bahrain
Country Coordinator:
Ms. Shaima Alhakoor Senior educational specialist at gifted
student center Head of gifted student’s center - Ministry
Bahrain Scientific Research Summer Program 2020
Aug 18, 2020
be program in The kingdom of Bahrain seek to develop the potential abilities of the students who attend the program activities and...
Save environment painting competition - the summer program 2020
Aug 18, 2020
The aim of this competition was to spread the importance of protecting the environment and raising awareness of the...
Dr.Budoor Mohamed Buheji
Head of Gifted Student Center
Ministry of Education
Kingdom of Bahrain
Mobile phone No.+97339799711
Training workshop on carbon footprint
Event Date:
- 09/03/2017
Event Time:
09:00 AM
- 12:00 PM
Location: Science and Environment Center
A training workshop...
Celebration of World Earth Day
Event Date:
- 04/27/2017
- Celebration of World Earth Day, On April 21 of each year, and the theme of this year's GLOBE program "Application...
Wildlife Day of the Gulf Cooperation Council
Event Date:
- 12/31/2016
Event Time:
09:00 AM
- 01:00 PM
Location: camping area in Sakhir
- Participate in the...
"contact with nature"
Event Date:
- 05/10/2017
Event Time:
05:00 PM
- 08:00 PM
Location: park and the reserve of Doha
Participation in the environmental...
Environmental Student Camps "Our Children in Our Eyes"
Event Date:
- 11/24/2016
Event Time:
08:00 AM
- 01:00 PM
Location: Duha Arad Nature Reserve
- The...
The annual competition "Future Scientists"
Event Date:
- 03/23/2017
The annual competition "Future Scientists"
The Science and Environment Center at the Ministry of...
Training workshops on GLOBE protocols
Event Date:
- 10/18/2016
Event Time:
09:00 AM
- 01:00 PM
Location: Science and Environment Center
A training workshop...
Training Workshops for both Students and teachers
Sep 30, 2014
The Science and Environment Centre arranged a series of training workshop to qualify the students and connect them with the...
Travelers of Science and Environment Centre
Nov 23, 2015
Based on the Ministry of Education in providing interesting and suitable learning environment for students , the travelers program...
Event Date:
- 11/14/2015
Location: Sakhir (natural Desert Environment in the Kingdom of Bahrain)
This school year a new activity...
science camp
Event Date:
- 11/26/2015
Science Camp 2015-2016 :
The main objective : Train participants on the scientific research in an interesting non-traditional ways ,...
10th Annual GLOBE Green Walk
Feb 19, 2015
•The Science and Environment Centre at the Ministry of Education organized the annual Green Walk year for the scholastic year 2014 - 2015 "...
regional meeting at bahrain 2014
Apr 26, 2014
There is a regional meeting at Bahrain kingdom in K hotel witch is for countrey coordinator
Latest Regional News
COUNTRY at a Glance

- 833 Students
- 282 Educators
- 3 Pre-service Teachers
- 312 GLOBE Observers
- 6081 Data Entries
- 194 Schools / Informal Education Organizations
- 2 Honor Rolls
- 18 Trainers
- 0 Mentor Trainers
- 282 People Trained
- 38 Workshops Held