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Green-Up / Green-Down

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Students will monitor the budburst and growth of leaves of selected trees, shrubs or grasses.
Students will use a GLOBE Plant Color Guide to monitor the change in color of selected leaves of trees, shrubs or grasses.

Protocols to help in completion of the main protocol.

Activities to help students learn more about the instruments and protocols.

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Students learn about plant response to light by setting up simple investigations in the classroom.
Students learn what to look for during budburst by observing variations in timing and appearance of leaves of different local plant species.
Students observe and classify local plants based on their patterns of change other than growth.
Students will analyze visualizations and graphs that show the annual cycle of plant growth and decline.
Students participate in a preparatory activity that will help them identify green-up progression in their local plants and this activity also introduces the idea of spatial scale related to plant observations.
Students learn about plant pigmentation and photosynthesis while conducting simple investigations to demonstrate the presence of pigments other than chlorophyll in leaves.

Additional documents or tools related to the protocol.