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2021 Providence Virtual Science Symposium

A total of 10 student groups at 3 schools submitted projects for the 2021 Providence Virtual Science Symposium! Please navigate to the presentations by first clicking on the corresponding school below. Some groups also made a video, in addition to their project file, so please look for the Powerpoint version where relevant. Additionally, the students would love your feedback on their presentation, so *please* fill out a Reviewer Form for each group!

2021 Providence Symposium - Spaziano Elementary school

Classroom: 4th Grade Bilingual

Teacher: Tera Tucker
Research Topic: Volcanoes


Classroom: 5th Grade Bilingual

Teacher: Esther Aguirre
Research Question: Can a plant grow without soil?

Students: Aysha Baide, Keily Duenas, Jonathan Grave, Ashley Lux, Dubraska Morenta, Estephani Muñoz

Download presentation (Powerpoint version with embedded student videos)

Download presentation (PDF version without embedded student videos)

Classroom: 5th Grade Bilingual

Teacher: Dena Núñez
Research Topic: Ecosystems


Research Topic: Planets


2021 Providence Symposium - Carnevale Elementary School

Classroom/Students: Grade 2 Inclusion, Room 101

Teachers: Mr. Tramonti, Mrs. Tavares
Report Title: Soil... Yes, No, or Maybe?
Research question: What soil conditions do plants need to grow, thrive and produce?

Download presentation

2021 Providence Symposium - Nathan Bishop Middle School

Classroom: 8th Grade

Teacher: Nancy Barboza
Research Question: Do tree characteristics and location affect where squirrels will nest?
